General Meaningless Update

Mar 19, 2006 22:38

Other than (I was horrible to my boyfriend today. And I've hated on plenty of people who don't deserve it lately. There's something hanging over me that just leaves me irritable and frustrated beyond words. I want to hurt somebody or myself in some futile and irrational attempt to relieve this explosive feeling that I need to make somebody feel guilty for something...all imaginary and unexplainable. How have I been wronged? By whom? And when? I don't know, and I don't know why it's manifesting itself in this way and causing me to lash out ridiculously against people who don't deserve it. I sat in my car today frustrated to tears because I couldn't figure out why I felt like such shit. I can rationally observe myself being completely unreasonable and insane, and I can easily see that there really is nobody to blame but myself, but I can't stop it from happening and I can't figure out why. Damn you psyche!) the past few weeks have been a lot of fun. St. Patrick's Day was a little goofy, but I got to spend some time with drunken ass Amanda and the wee ones at South Quad before crapping out on everyone after a 13-hour day at the hotel. I was Dan's designated driver, and I was a lame one. Last night, I babysat for the first time since, like, eighth grade. It was strange, but fun, and I got some cash out of it, so that's a new feeling. I met up with Antony and co. at the movies and we saw V for Vendetta. It was a very entertaining film...predictable and a bit ridiculous, but so am I suppose. So we got along for the most part. I consumed some alcohol and felt awkward for a couple hours afterwards at Jason's and Greg's and Alex's and John's (The STRONGhold?) and fell asleep briefly on the couch before I could even work up a hookah buzz. Dan woke me up when it was time to go home.

My new favorite adult beverage is Gin and Tonic. So delicious. I must away to Meijer tonight to procur a bit of both.

Auf wiedersehen!
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