Nov 11, 2005 11:34
i'm having a bad day. a really, REALLY bad day. so bad that i found myself cutting my hands with my fingernails, and screaming into a towel in the bathroom. i didn't even recognize myself when i looked in the mirror. i have no shields, no boundaries, nothing to keep me in check today. no one is completely safe from me, and i'm afraid i'm being quite terrible, and not even caring. the only one who is safe and keeping me from drifting off into the insanity of a homicidal maniac, is brenna. the biggest resposibility of my life is keeping me at least tethered today. i would normally apologize in advance or in retrospect to anything that i may/have done, but that's just how DONE i am. here's hoping that tomorrow is better. i suggest staying away from me at all costs til i come back from "freakout world".