Dec 20, 2008 16:40
so i finally got a job. it's nothing special, or one i'm particularly proud of, but it's a job none the less. i'm working at the deli at the truck stop in town. i've been looking for a job for almost 2 months and this is the first one i've landed, so i took the opportunity before it was gone for who knows how long. i'm working with one of my good friends i grew up with, so that makes it a little better.
the verizon job - i called the lady & told her thanks, but no thanks, after realizing that i'd be required to sell plans for a service that doesn't even work in our area. i didn't think i could do that. she persuaded me to give it a shot and i agreed. she said she'd call me later that day, and i never heard from her. i called her the next three days in succession, leaving voicemails, and couldn't get ahold of her. so, i had to move on anyway. oh well.
it wears me out to the max, though. i am so useless after work, i'm exhausted! i don't know if i can keep up with it. i'm on my feet all day..9 hours straight, basically, minus the 20 minutes i sit down & eat. and i swear i'm going to gain like 20 pounds working there cause there's nothing healthy to eat. it's all greasy pizza, processed food, artificial crap...ugh. i'll have to start bringing my own lunch.
it snowed bigtime yesterday. a total whiteout. it was bizarre looking outside and seeing nothing but white when you looked up at the sky. i had icicles hanging from my bumper today! it's supposed to hit -20 tomorrow. yikes.