Didn't feel like going to school today. Alex wanted me over but I babysat tonight. Sorry I'm a Broke Girl. It was Emme's birthday last week, good thing I got her this Barbie perfume from Avon a little while ago. She liked it. Seven years old now. Crazy about fashion. Emme and I tore up my room, and she wore all my clothes. Before that, I did our makeup and she did our hair. It was fetch.
New, permanent sleeping habit: three hours before sunrise, three in afternoon.
New, permanent eating habit: stop before full, smaller bits over entire 24 hours.
Oh, yeah, and p.s: I think I may have mentioned before that my mom does Avon now. Everything beauty related. The handbag in some of the Emme photos was from Avon. It's all high quality stuff and really onexpensive, so if you ever want a catalogue just ask.