The Promised Rant

Oct 17, 2010 15:07

Here we go, strap on your seatbelts.

Okay, so I only voted for Obama in my head. I'm registered in TN and live in MS, so I couldn't vote. Hubby only voted in his head, too, but for the first time in 25 years we were on the same side. Thing 1 voted for Obama, so did my mother and brother. We were excited and hopeful.

We are excited and hopeful no more. What a...can I call him a douchebag or will that get me defriended? ;) This is my late-night programming journal, remember! Anyhow, he promised to create 600,000 new federal jobs.

He made good on his promise.

At the expense of thousands of civilian contractors everywhere. I can make it crystal clear, I think. When my husband retired from the Air Force he went to work at a different job at the same base, running the flight simulators as a civilian contractor. They had a union and great benefits, and since the sims go in 3-hour increments, he usually only had to work a 6-hour day. They got paid by the hour and if they "trip-turned," 3 sims in a day, they got paid for that.

Now thanks to our esteemed Commander-In-Chief *snort*, his job has been converted to a federal job; he's working the same job but is now a civil servant. See how sneaky that was? Yeah, hubby's job is one of the "newly created" federal jobs. And yet it's the same job, only the pay is less, the benefits suck, the hours are longer - get this: even though he only does 6 hours of work, he HAS to stay 8 hours. I ask him what they do the other 2 hours and he says they sit around and bitch about what bullshit this is. YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK, PEOPLE. (If you don't live in the U.S., never mind.) ;)

On a personal level, it wreaks havoc on our schedule. An extra two hours of "work" means it's gonna be a challenge to get to Thing 2's away basketball games because since she's part of the Private School Association means we have to travel all over MS to other private schools ('cause they're really spread out). A LOT. HOURS and HOURS. In NaNo month I sit in the backseat with my laptop and often have an uninterrupted 6-hour round-trip space to get my 1600-something words. But now...ugh. We'll miss stuff because of his schedule, and this is her senior year; HER YEAR when there's nobody ahead of her. Even the 6'5" chick they recruited who was failing all her classes and was notorious for a bad attitude, broke her foot and is out til after Christmas. *snerk* It's my kid's time to shine. I've been singing a lot lately so 'scuse me....

Sail on Silver Girl,
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine

She loves it. The season starts next month.

I got off-topic. Sorry. Anyhow, now we're poor and time-squeezed and unhappy like you wouldn't believe. As for creating civilian jobs, well, my son interviews several times a week; he's a clean-cut college boy (as long as he hides the tats, lol), and he can't find one. Neither can I, and though I haven't had a paid job for a while, my resume isn't bad in the long term. The jobs just aren't there. I am freaking JEALOUS of people with jobs, because I freeze at night and eat 75cent Banquet frozen crap for dinner. I have NO IDEA how we'll do the kids' Christmas this year. Obama will be in the gorgeous White House that somebody decorated for him and HIS kids will be showered with stuff. WE GAVE HIM A JOB, AND HE REPAID IT BY FUCKING OURS OVER.

As for hubby's job:


more later...this rant isn't out of my system yet
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