(no subject)

Mar 26, 2007 15:35

I feel like I've been neglecting this journal lately, especially my Lost love reviews. The reason I haven't been writing them is because I haven't felt like they were necessary; just about everybody seems to be loving Lost right now. No need for me to be a fandom cheerleader. Yay, that makes me smile!

those &@^#%! writers better not screw it up again

In lieu of reviews from the last few eps, I'm just gonna ramble a little about some of my favorite parts. I don't need a spoiler cut as long as I don't mention anything too recent, right?

I've decided that "Tricia Tanaka is Dead" is one of my favorite episodes ever. I keep going back and watching the scene with Roger and the beer and the hippie bus. Surely there's a "BFF" icon of Sawyer and Roger out there somewhere, isn't there? I WANT! And when they're riding around in the van and Sawyer's everybody's all happy, it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The problem with the first part of the season is that it was unrelentingly heavy and bleak -- it made me TIRED! It feels so good to have a balance now between the happy relaxed moments and the more intense ones. I'm a little bit fascinated by watching how they're slowly socializing Sawyer. Fascinated but not totally in favor -- they can't go much further without woobifying him. He's gotta keep his uncivilized edge or he just won't be *him* anymore. And yes, darlings, it IS all about Sawyer, lol -- for me, anyway. Surely that is not news to this flist. :D

Have good news for...exactly 2 of you! I wish we all watched Friday Night Lights so we could squee about it together, but for the couple of you who do: THE CROSSOVER PLOT BUNNY FROM HELL HAS EATEN MY BRAIN!!! It has taken on epic proportions! I'm half-tempted to save it til November and let it be my NaNo project, that's how huge it's grown in my mind. And nary a word has been typed yet, though jenthegypsy, the part I got half-written for your birthday fic will probably get worked into this one. That should tell you a *little* bit of what to expect! But not all, oh no, by no means all. Expect the unexpected.

I was gonna make a big ol' post about my weekend from hell, but I decided I like you all too much to subject you to that. Suffice it to say that I do not like Mobile, Alabama at ALL. I do like Gulf Shores,

but I didn't like only getting to spend two hours there Sunday morning. I didn't like coming down with a cold, or driving hours and hours through the most boring countryside EVER only to spend most of my weekend sitting around a convention center waiting for my child to compete. I did like her winning another national championship. I did not like it that she said it's her last one. I did not like getting home at 1 a.m. this morning and getting no sleep and feeling sick and tired and cranky all day. /whining

Who else watches Prison Break? Who else wonders how in the hell they're gonna stretch it out for another season? I'm not even sure they should try; it really feels like it's time for the story to be finished. And I'm getting heartily sick of no new Monday night Heroes. Aaaaand...ooh, there's a Lost spoiler I need to discuss with the non-spoilerphobes who are going to the Great Fangirl Gathering, but maybe I should put it in a separate post. 'bye for now.
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