Lost *Love Review*

Feb 08, 2007 16:10

I'm gonna make this my standard disclaimer: I write and post my reviews before I read anybody else's. Sorry if I repeat stuff that's already been said!

First, I love my show and life is 100% better now that it's back! I liked last night's ep and so did hubby and kiddo, and my faith in both my heroes (um, that would be Jack and Sawyer, for my new friends!) is still intact. So I'll give last night 5 hearts out of 5. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I'm still waiting to decide how I feel about Juliet. We all know that my feelings tend to hinge on how people treat Sawyer, and she was both prepared to have him killed and she saved his life. So, I'll just bide my time and see how I feel about her as her story progresses. I do think she has become a much stronger woman since her pre-island days. And it amuses me in a sick kind of way that she made MPREG canon. Oh lordy, what are we in for in fic-land? I can't decide whether to giggle or hide. Juliet is a dichotomy like everything on the island: both warm and cold, strong and fragile, meek and rebellious. I love how the show is not afraid to be ambiguous. It's what makes the stories so complex and the characters so human.

Which brings me to the other Others. I keep catching myself wanting to like Tom. He just seems affable and unassuming; harmless. And then I remind myself that he shot at Sawyer, so I'm not giving him my trust yet. Alex, on the other hand, I absolutely love. Can't we age her a few years so I can ship her with Sawyer? How adorable would they be together?! And the nicknames: Sheena, Underdog, Lollipop. LOL! And, Danny's dead, YAY! Ben, so calm and half-stoned on the operating table; I kinda wanted to like him then, too. Of course I knew Jack wouldn't let him die. I have total faith that Jack will never let anyone die who is save-able. I sort of (well, not sort of, we know I totally DO) loved him that, even as he's wanting to let the man die, when Ben wakes up Jack offers to relieve his pain. Jack has a dark side, of that I have no doubt. But he is a moral doctor. I wonder if they'll ever explore more deeply the issue of Juliet's professional ethics vs. Jack's. That could be interesting.

Interesting, too, how Juliet kept expressing her faith that Jack wouldn't kill Ben, when she herself asked him to. Was she testing him, or what? I love it that Jack outed her to Tom, and then we find out that Ben heard it, too! She appeared to be in the Others' "custody" in the promo for next week; I'd say she'll have some 'splaining to do about that -- and about killing Pickett.

Guess what? I have a wild theory! (what, no gasps of surprise?) That baby that Juliet's sister is pregnant with? It's Clementine. Sawyer was in prison in Miami, right? Cassidy totally used Rachel's baby to con Sawyer. Both the time period and the location are right. And since I refuse to accept that Sawyer's a baby-daddy, this theory makes me happy so I'm adopting it for my very own until further notice. ;)

I loved the scene where they rescued Karl. I'm assuming that's "the Room" that Mrs. Klugh was threatening Walt with. I have no doubt that the others are into mind-control, though the Room could also simply be a torture chamber. It made me a little uneasy that Sawyer was so mesmerized by it all, especially the words, "Think about your life." I wonder if he and Jack and Kate were taken to the Room before they were put in their cells; they did have band-aids and could have been hooked to the IV. They don't seem to be brainwashed, but something might come out later. Could turn into a plot bunny, anyway. I'm intrigued with the words, "God loves you as He loved Jacob." We know there's a Jacob on the island (eye-patch guy?), and there's the story of Jacob in the Bible. I keep going back to the idea of Jack and Sawyer being "two sides of the same coin," and "Jack" and "James" are both names derived from Jacob. I wrote about that in my first fic, when Claire told Sawyer this story:

“Okay,” Claire nodded, “that one should be easy. Here it is. James.
Derivative of Jacob, the supplanter. ‘In the Bible, Jacob was the son
of Issac and Rebekah, and the twin brother of Esau. Jacob is said to
have fought with his twin in the womb and, when his brother was born
first, Jacob is said to have grabbed his heel. Jacob coerced his
brother into giving up his birthright, and later tricked his father
into believing he was Esau, causing his father to give Jacob Esau’s
rightful blessing. Jacob also laid claim to all of the wealth of his
father-in-law. While fleeing his brother’s wrath, Jacob climbed a
ladder to Heaven and received God’s blessing. Upon returning to his
birthplace to reconcile with Esau, Jacob wrestled with God and was
wounded, and pleaded for forgiveness, and was redeemed. Words that are
also associated with Jacob are “enchanted” and “treacherous.”’” Claire
reached the end of the passage and stopped, glancing quickly up at him.
“Oh, that’s interesting,” she said, not entirely sure if she should

“Well, go ahead, you’ve already called me every name in the book,” he
groused, but he was clearly still interested and she knew that if she
stopped now, he’d just look it up himself as soon as she left.

Claire took a deep breath. “Other names that are derived from Jacob,” she read. “Jim. Jamie. Jaques. Jack.”

I keep hoping and hoping they're going to stay with the theme of Jack and Sawyer being two halves of a whole, yin and yang...or, as Sawyer told Kate in "The Moth," "The difference between us [Jack and Sawyer] ain't that big, sweetheart." I know Jack and Sawyer have both acted like they didn't care what happened to the other in captivity, I know Jack left Sawyer behind in the jungle, I know Sawyer betrayed Jack with the guns. I know that Kate is a huge issue between them. I know from the previews that Sawyer won't be on board with the mission to rescue Jack. None of that bothers me. I think they're on a path, one that will put them completely at odds with each other, only to have something happen when they're almost irrevokably estranged that makes them realize that they need each other. I hope it won't be that one gives his life for the other, but I think whatever it is it'll be something big and it will bond them forever. I still believe that their dynamic is significant to the ultimate arc of Lost. I'm just going to be patient and wait for it all to play out.

I loved the image at the end of Jack in the snow-white scrubs. His hair, eyes, and beard were so black, the clothes so white, and I thought that was so symbolic of Jack and how he looks at life. For him, everything is black or white, and paradoxes, ambiguity, dualism, and uncertainty are all things that freak him out. I think his character arc is to come to terms with those things, both in himself, in others, and in the world around him. That everything has elements of good and bad and everything in between. I just got the feeling when I saw that starkly black-and-white image of him that it symbolizes where he is on his journey.

And he looked hot. :)

So there's my review -- shallow, deep, and everything in between. Is it next week yet?
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