It's my turn, I guess.

Nov 24, 2007 15:29

You know how, on those days when you really need to get something out, you just kinda can't? That's how I'm feeling right now.

On one hand, there's school, of course, and all the problems that go along with that.  Most recently, beyond the usual porblems from the Spanish bitch, there is apparently a non-existant Ditrict Policy that disallows you from hooking up anythging to the computers. And I mean, anything. A GODS DAMN MOUSE THAT BE HOOKED UP. A MOTHER FUCKING MOUSE. I can understand not wanting thumbdrives since they can have viruses and shit, but a MOUSE?!?! Fucking hell. What's worse, the librarian touts it like the WoG (Word of God), but unless there are policies in her precious two volume set that aren't on the District website, and I can't see any reason why there would be, THAT POLICY DOES. NOT. EXIST. So not ony is there no reason for me to listen to her on that basis, but she's also made me less likely to listen to her on anything, because as far as it is possible to tell, she's lying to me, and that's what really pisses me off. KNOW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN, that you are quoting a lie. So SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. And your damn Macs that are HTT (Holier Than Thou (And thy PC too.)) killed my fucking mouse. Bitch.

On the homelife side:

ARGH!!! *Pulling out hair* WHY THE HELL DOES EVERYONE OTHER THAN ME HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS!?!? Stefen's genderness, which is now half combined with ALL CHERYL'S MESS since he's iving there, pus JEanette's diet/mom problems as sual, plus Miranda's FUCKED UP PARENTAL UNITS who never let her do anything and work her to death, and now Jeanette's new yaoi buddy Sara and her constant calling and need for attention. WHAT THE HELL. Gods damn it, I really feel useless at times like this. I want to help, I NEED to help, but all I can do is store some of Stefen's shit at my house for a while. I haven't even SEEN Cheryl since last year, since she goes to the Art School in Tacoma all day. Everyone else's ife is going to hell, and all I can do is sit back and watch it happen. I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT. My dad's constantly depressed because he doesn't have a job and my mom is optimistic to the point of Sora when she's not going off on people.

And I can't think of anything further to say, expect more later.

rants, school, liarsshalldie, rl

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