What I don't understand is...

Oct 05, 2007 13:22

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom. She's the best, most understanding parent I could wish for.

Except for one tiny little thing:

She steadfastly refuses to understand Stefen's condition as a FTM transsexual. And, what's more, she says he'll grow out of it and just accept who he is. Uh...

Mom, newsflash: That IS who he is. It's not just some act put on for attention or whatever you think it is. Your stubborn insistance of inacceptance in this, where you can accept everything else without question, confuses and annoys me no end. And if you don't want to think of Stefen as a guy, that's fine.

But don't put restrictions on MY tongue. The pronoun thing is fine, but your insistence on not calling "girls" (And in this case, I use the term loosely) by guy names... *Twitch*Honestly I don't see what the problem is, anymore than I see a problem with gay marriage. Either do what Ray's mom does, and make me call everyone by real names (Which, by the way, will get confusing really fast, as both Stefen and Airi are legally named Tasha.) or do away with the stupidest restriction you have ever placed on me, ever. It's fine if you just don't understand why or how someone could be different gender in mind than in body, but don't try to force other labels that don't fit on them, kay? and don't try to impair other people's understanding of the issue.

You're always talking about how I learned to not be prejudiced from you. Yet, you refuse to take another look at the way of living and thinking of one of my best friends.

What is that, if not prejudice? For the first time in my life, I'm disappointed in you.

That is all.

rants, stefen, mom

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