Jan 04, 2008 01:14
"For once I would like to see gay people standing up and fighting for a cause greater than their own. (If you can site otherwise I'd like to hear one). Us white, straight, men have to do it all the time."
Because white, straight men have many times had their rights suppressed and because gay people don't care about things like poverty, genocide, abortion, murder, rape, the economy and many more issues!
"I'm not gay therefore i would not know the prejudice the gay community experiences. But from what i witness day to day in life and on t.v., being gay is highly accepted. Look at MTV, how many gay people are on reality shows? Being gay is hardly out of the norm these days. SO if a person decides to live this life style, he will not be crucified as bad as you depict."
Because life on TV is what life in the real world is like!
"I agree that same sex marriage will have a snowball effect. Is it a 30 year old mans right to have sex with a 12 year old girl? He was born that way and he did not chose to be a molester, and he can't help the way he feels. This argument is soon to arise in America."
Because a twelve-year-old-girl is a legal adult and it would of course be absolutely consensual because a twelve-year-old-girl would know exactly what was going on!
"i didnt say i didnt agree with your choice to be gay, however it IS a choice."
Because straight people know EXACTLY what it's like to be gay!
"marriage is DEFINED by the church and the government GIVES those rights to married couples due to their ability to contribute reproductivly to society, and by providing a family structure."
Because old people, infertile people, and people that don't even want kids aren't allowed to get married!
"Marriage is a formally defined institution based on an event which originated through religious customs. Come up with something else for homosexuals. Other than that I have no problem with giving homosexual couples more rights."
Because separate but equal institutions always work and always worked in the past! Yay for segregation!
Let's just make it simple and allow everyone to get married. You don't like that? Well. Let's ban government sanctioned marriage and only allow civil unions for everyone. Leave the marriage part to the religious institutions from which the definition of marriage was absolutely derived.
yay smart people!