Nov 23, 2008 11:06
I just don't know where to stand on this. Well, I do and I don't. My husband works for Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. So, of course if the "Big 3 Auto Co." go under, we will be effected and I DON'T want that, but then I don't think it's fair that they get all that money when they are in the shape they are in because of their own doing. (showing up in your big, nice, private jets was a smooth move dumb~asses!!) I realize you go into business to make money, I'm not an idiot, but you can't be a greedy son of a bitch, screw your self and your employees then expect a hand out. I mean, these people are beyond greedy in my mind, with their huge bonus's while they barely want to pay their employees. The mis~management of these companies is sickening and the gal of them to show up in their private jets.....How can they do such shit then beg for money????? I dunno. Part of me would love to see them go under and loose everything they have, but that'll never happen, I'm pretty dang sure they have plenty of money stashed away in their overseas bank accounts, they'll be's people like us that will be screwed and they don't care, AT ALL!!!! If it weren't for people like us, I'd say FUCK the Big 3, let them sink and I still think they should!!!!! It's just so hard knowing that my husband works his tail off in this industry, pays tons and tons of taxes, they sit around and give them selves these HUGE salaries, then wanna take our hard earned, paid in taxes to bail their stupid asses out....Just doesn't seem right.
Anyway, I just wanted to rant. If they get the bail out, I'll be ok because at least Robert's job will be safe for a bit, but if they get denied, I sure as hell wont cry for them, I'll be happy they got their slap on the face, ya know. I mean, go look at how good Honda and Toyota are doing!!!! They found the right way to make a business work, why can't these greedy ass American co. do the same?!?!?!?!?
**No one has to agree with me and this isn't an invitation for an argument, this is me venting about the shit these ignorant rich stupid people have put us in!!!