The Supreme Court of the United States has taken the government's power of eminent domain to a new - and frightening - level with their ruling in Kelo v. New London. Now, your home ... business ... and church are at risk of government seizure! That is why the American Center for Law and Justice has launched a nationwide campaign - urging all concerned citizens to quickly sign their Petition to Protect Private Property Rights to the U.S. Congress. I have added my name - and I want to invite you to do the same. The email below from the ACLJ has more information....
With the stroke of a pen, the Supreme Court of the United States effectively rejected one of the most fundamental constitutional freedoms guaranteed to all citizens ...
... your right to own property.
So the ACLJ is fighting back.
Today, the ACLJ asks you to add your name to our online Petition to Protect Private Property Rights to stop this ruling in its tracks.
This reckless move by the Supreme Court is nothing more than a rewriting of our Constitution. Our Founding Fathers considered the right to own property one of our most fundamental rights. In 1816, Thomas Jefferson said this:
The protection of property rights is "the first principle of association, but guaranteed to everyone of the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it."
And yet, as I shared with you before - the Court recently ruled that the government may seize the home, small business, or other private property of one citizen and transfer it to another private citizen - if the transfer would boost the community's economic development or increase its tax base.
This takes the government's power of eminent domain to a new - and frightening - level. It ignores the Fifth Amendment and centuries of legal precedent.
More importantly, it puts your home ... your small business ... your church at serious risk! This is why we need you to quickly join your voice with ours - and thousands of others - in protest by adding your name to our online Petition to Protect Private Property Rights.
This cannot be ignored. We must fight for our rights to own property. Since this ruling, properties in Florida and California have already been seized!
Of special concern to the ACLJ is the fact that churches, Christian camps, and other tax-exempt religious organizations could become targets if this ruling is allowed to stand.
We cannot allow this to happen.
This ruling is nothing more than a rewriting of our Constitution. Our Founding Fathers considered the right to own property one of our most fundamental rights. We cannot sit idly by while our right to own property is taken from us!
Thanks to the quick actions of Senator John Cornyn, "The Protection of Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Property Act of 2005" has already been introduced in Congress.
We must stand with this brave Senator and decry the Supreme Court's ruling that destroys our constitutionally-protected property rights! We must band together and call on Congress for swift passage of this important legislation.
So please sign your name to our Petition to Protect Private Property Rights today. We will deliver your petition - along with thousands of others - to the halls of Congress to send a strong message regarding this violation of our Fifth Amendment rights.
Help us protect your private property rights today!
Now while I know the ACLJ is just the evil twin of the ACLU...I almost agree with this. Almost.
Theyre using a pretty underhanded trick associated with the Search and Siezure laws.
You can read about that here: Its a definite read if you live in florida.