
Mar 15, 2005 02:02 just struck me that I had to post about this.

See...I cant fathom that anyone can be dumb enough to not understand this concept, yet each day I go to work, I deal with at least two dozen people who are this stupid.

You see, you have a company, thats started by an individual, or group of individuals, who has no real limit to the amount of capital they can spend on a product, or started by someone, or someones, who have access to a large amount of (or luck into) said product...they then decide to outsource a marketing company to provide promotional offers in magazines and newspapers, that are geared for thier demographic, to sell thier product by mail order, that is worth 10 dollars, for 5 dollars, in the hopes that that fact alone will coerce you into purchasing more of said product that is worth 10 dollars for 15 dollars or more.

Its called BUISINESS. Thats marketing. Im going to sell you something you want cheap, so youll buy something you might have an interest in, but dont really need, for a marked up price.

You fall for this scheme everytime you go to the store. Its as old as prostitution. The fact that some people dont understand the concept of enticing someone with something they want, so you can offload things you dont need, so you can turn a profit and purchase more of what is in demand, to gain capital, is beyond me.

YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY....the fact that old stupid people blow thier social security on stupid fake coins, so that I can make a quick buck, so I can pay taxes to support the old stupid people that blow thier soc(etc etc) on said fake coins, is the reason that our entire social structure remains intact. Not just telemarketing of course, but society as a whole in capitalism functions this way. Thats the world works.

Yet somehow...old republicans from texas, who dont want to pay taxes, but want to spend thier social security on a coin thats worth 20 dollars, but is on sale for only 10, and dont want to purchase anything that isnt in thier direct favour, dont seem to comprehend that you cant always buy low and sell high....they dont understand, and cant begin to understand, how a direct market system works, and then SCREAM AT ME, for trying to explain it to them....and then would refuse to accept that they would starve to death in the street if it wasnt for me having a job that rips them off, so I can make 500 dollars a week, and pay back 40 of it into thier social security, that gives them the ability to sit on thier fat collective asses and order something as useless as a comemorative coin.

Sorry if I dont make alot of sense im kinda tipsy and really mad.
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