A new perspective

May 04, 2007 20:54

To say I'm never going to be boy-crazy again would be utter bullshit, indeed, but I will be making a concentrated to not let it take over my brains anymore. This change is due to seeing my very good friend, who academically can kick my ass from here to Avenue D, go through a phase I thought we were too old for--The "OMG I HAVE DISCOVERED BOYS PHASE". Now, I definitely enjoy a chat about our love lives. And initially I thought I was just jealous because I don't have anything going lately, but...NOPE! WRONG! Wishing boys were fawning over me (which admittedly, I kind of do...at least till I realized that I already have more than enough sweetheart guys around) aside, BRING MY SMART , FUNNY FRIEND BACK. PLEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEE. Or else the next time she blows me off to IM (not even go on a date with, just IM!)a guy, I may really have to change roommates for next semester.

To everyone I have boyditzed out on, I am very very very very sorry. Especially Vicky, who has dealt with my crap the longest, but to all of you, and to all of America, I am sorry, and at least have enough facts to try to do a far better job.

And in terms of my own love situation, I'm pretty into Ben again, and it's messing with my head, but I've realized that it's for the best I don't pursue it. I cried over it the other day but trying to be with him would only hurt me more. I love him. There. I just saved myself braincells by keeping it honest.
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