go to and listen to "what he must be"
actually, the whole series. the whole website.
but this phrase in particular just stuck out to me, 'cause it's what i've been trying to say...
for a good while.
he is giving the reasons for why people enter into relationships that aren't biblical
reason number three
there's time invested
there's an investment that they feel like they cant give up
see we have young women as young as 14, 15, 16 years old
who give themselves away to young men
"he's my boyfriend i'm his girlfriend"
and they have these intimate exclusive relationship with one another
and they enter into these intimate exclusive relationship's that are incredibly dangerous
theyre dangerous
why are they dangerous ?
i've told you before
it's dangerous when you enter into those relationships like that
when you're not ready to satisfy those relationships through marriage
it's sort of like going shopping without any money...
you're either gonna leave frustrated or take something that doesn't belong to you
those are your only two choices
and they get involved in these relationships early on
and then sometimes, they have somebody that they've been dating since they're 16 or 17 and they look up and they're 22, 23, 24 and they're like "i've invested a huge chunk of my life into this individual and know he doesn't qualify biblically, but i'm not just gonna throw away this investment and try to start all over again"
so just because of the time that's invested, they ignore the biblical mandate. . .