
Oct 09, 2012 09:19

Is Autumn just the time for feeling old? It seems like everyone is posting about the passing of time, and how we're all feeling it. The cold creeps in and we notice our mortality, I guess. However, if you could stop posting about things that make me feel even older, I'd really appreciate it ;)

I'm keeping young by watching the kittens. I don't have any pictures, because they've been hiding under blankets, mostly. This is the first time in their life that they've ever been this cold, poor dears. They are horrified and struck by the indignity of it all. There is much cuddling. Well, I call it cuddling. Moxie lets you know that she wants under the covers by repeatedly ramming her head into your side, or leg, or whatever is close to the covers. Once let in, she's a little furnace of purr, but the bruises remain. Tinka will curl up with you, but doesn't want you to touch her. Which I guess is good for the knitting progress, but sometimes you just have to pet the kitty. It annoys her so very much :)

The cool weather is also affecting my baking, I think. I've made the two pies and cake in the past few days, and last night I put together a batch of dough that is destined to become pretzel bread. We'll see how that works out!

Not weather related - our tv is finally going to the repairmen today. Only two years old, and it's already costing us more. Samsungs sure look good if you are only planning on using them for a year, but I have questions about their value in the long haul. Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what the repairmen say.
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