Halloween weekend

Nov 02, 2009 08:31

Ugh. I felt fine all weekend, and this morning. As I was walking up to the office door, I started feeling sick to my stomach. Guess we can pinpoint what's causing that, then. :P

Still! The weekend, let me tell you it!

Thursday was Katie's Victorian Macabre Halloween party, and she set the bar for parties, let me tell you! She's spent the last two months looking for decorations, and it turned out amazing!

Everyone showed up looking great, of course! But that would be a lot of pictures, so you can browse through them at your liesure at Flickr.

After the sudden realization that a group of us had *nothing* to do on Saturday, and it would be a shame to waste Halloween, a Saturday and the extra hour for falling back, we made the decision to brave Franklin Street for the Clockwork Ball (excuse me, Eccentrik Festival), after all. Mind you, Franklin Street is kind of crazy, being right near UNC and full of awesome places. It's gotten to the point where they block off the street after 9:00 and there are all sorts of special one way streets (all leading *away*, of course. They don't want to deal with the crazy.). Luckily, we had an iPhone to give us alternate routes, and were going to Mansion 462, which is on the far fringe of the party, so it wasn't so bad. Well, I made Christy take Frederico, which was a bad idea, because he was declared a dangerous weapon (well, he *is* made out of a copper pipe), so we had to trek back to the car to drop him off :( But once we got there, it was pretty fun. Not many people had made it out there, so there was no shortage of seating, and the bar line was ridiculously short. Christy's friend from a Steampunk band was there! We missed them playing, but she got to catch up with and hang out with them! We were all skull-makeuped up, and the drummer from Veronique Diabolique was wearing the same makeup, so we got a picture with him! Also, Perception Crisis took this great picture of us! (well, there were many pictures, we're quite demanding. But this is the only one on her flickr stream right now. I'm sure she has many to go through, and I hope ours turned out well enough to show up eventually!)

So! It was a lot of fun! I could've slept all day on Sunday, but I was inspired by digging through Katie's costumey stuff (sorry, Katie!), and started gutting my craft/costume room. So, right now it's an even worse disaster than when I started. Isn't that always the way? But I've found a bunch of stuff that I thought I'd lost in one of our moves, and things are slowly sorting themselves out, so eventually I might have a room that I can allow other people into :)

steampunk, cosplay, halloween

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