Eric's travelling, plus kitten

Aug 12, 2009 09:05

So... Eric spent the night in Charlotte. Stupid thunderstorms! That puts him a day behind on training. Worst case scenario, the Sacramento guys demand the day they've paid for, and demand it on Monday, not Saturday. Then Eric will come home Tuesday, and leave for Chicago on Wednesday (yojimbomonkey, you know how he is! Make him hang out with you at least a little bit while he's out there!). Gone for a week and a half, then he gets to pick up pager for a week. Thank goodness he's on vacation after that, although at this point I bet he'd rather be staying home rather than flying out to Phoenix. But that's just the worst case scenario. Hopefully he'll be back this weekend!

In better news, knit night last night was fun, and Alex seemed to be on the mend again! Such a sweet kitty! Ok, you can hardly see her in this picture, but she's adorable! (All the other pictures I got of her are just dark blurs. The iPhone camera is, alas, still just a phone camera.)
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