An exciting weekend! But probably only if you're me.

Aug 03, 2009 07:40

Oh! From Flickr, it looks like a lot of my friends had fun outdoor adventures this weekend! I stayed home and sewed, instead. I got one birthday skirt 99% finished, and a second one about 50% finished (with one to go)! Ok, Ruffler foots are kind of the win when they work. Then, Sunday was "learn to make a corset!" day, so Amy, Katie and I raided Joanns and got down to business. It was very confusing, at first! But I finished sewing my lining together, and once I had, it all made sense (the pattern makers weren't on drugs, after all)! Unfortunately, I was making adjustments to the pattern as I went (yes, before I knew what I was doing), so the current piece overlaps about two inches in front. I think I know how to fix it, though, and it will only take reshaping two pieces! We'll see if it works :)

So, there are no pictures yet, but hopefully I'll have lots of interesting finished items to show soon!

Today I am driving Eric's car, as mine is in the shop. Ugh. I hate driving it, it's designed for a person much taller than me (with little option for seat adjustment), it's sensitive to drive, and it's worth about twice what my car is worth. I just couldn't leave it parked on the street, so I'm going to end up putting it in the visitor's lot at the State parking lot all week (because I've only been working here two years, I don't deserve a spot, yet. It's counted as one of my benefits, though!). It might be cheaper to just rent a car :P

Tonight, I'm going to make cupcakes, walk on the treadmill (that the boys carried upstairs, just for me), and try to convince my ruffler foot that it wants to work with Katie's skirt. More fun than you'd think!


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