Valentine's weekend

Feb 16, 2009 07:48

Dear NC, WTF Snow??? Didn't we already have this conversation?? Shape up! No love, Michelle

Also, Asi is on medication right now, and I don't think it's agreeing with him. He's had a few epic puke incidents, the latest of which was 2 this morning, on my side of the bed. Guess the vet gets a call this morning!

Other than that, I had a lovely weekend! We hung out with friends until 2am on Friday (which wiped too many people out so that they couldn't go to the dance on Saturday :( ) and then helped Dan move in with Michael and Roger, and then kidnapped Michael and made him late for his date with Katie, and then went home and Eric surprised me with Eternal Sonata! (Well, surprised me in that he said it hadn't come in, yet, but it had.) (His gift is still in-process, and probably won't be here until he gets back from Spain :( ) It is a really fun game, even if I don't like that they make the battle system harder as you go along. I definitely like the characters way better than Tales of the Abyss. Seriously. I thought Vaan was a whiny jerk, but he has nothing on on... Wow, the main character of TotA has already gone out of my head. Anyway, Eternal Sonata has plucky girls and mysterious guys and adorable street urchins (and awesome outfits! But TotA has that, too), so I'm really enjoying it.

And then we went to the Clockwork Ball! Eric was worried that his costume wasn't very good, but he got a lot of compliments, and people said "Can we take your picture, doctor?" and so he was tickled and had a good time! There are more pictures of costumed goodness here! The venue was pretty awesome, and could've been designed to host steampunk dances! Unfortunately, it apparently also allows smoking, so not perfect. Ah well.

Anyway, we had a lovely time, and got home late, again. So, we spent most of Sunday in a zombified state. It was a lovely weekend altogether! Can we just go back and do it again?

steampunk, video games

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