please excuse me, I've taken Sudafed.

Feb 09, 2007 09:00

Hi! How are you? I have a cold, so I took some Sudafed 12 hour! Yay for disconnectedness! Still, better than running like a faucet, no? And at least I don't have the stomach flu that everyone else in the office is getting. I'm hoping to put that off until Monday, when I've taken a vacation day. (is that tmi? I can't tell. Blame it on the Sudafed. I'm so spacey today!) Also, I now have to ration, because Sudafed is really the only cold medication I can take (PE stuff is useless, and antihistimines knock me out for 12 hours and leave me with a killer hangover). I went to buy it last night, they said they aren't stocking it anymore! I'll check other stores, but I'm very very mad at meth people today!

I'm wearing my new favorite sweater today! I will have to take a picture at lunch, after the batteries on the camera have charged. It's either very nice, or so obviously homemade that Vicky felt she had to complement me on it. But I love it either way :) (It's a Tubey, for those that know.)

Eric is off to Honduras this weekend (I think. Somewhere.). Yay. Still, it will give me a chance to clean up & catch up on my homework & Okami. Ok, probably mostly Okami. He doesn't have a lot of long trips this year, so I need to relish my alone-time while I can :)

It seems like everyone is having a rough time of it this year. We were just discussing at work that we've had gremlins all over the system since the start of January. I hope the gremlins get it out of their system before too long. I don't think I could spend an entire year like this. Both at work and personally, the gremlins seem to be everywhere.

So, I've finished 5 or 6 fun fur hats (with 3 or 4 more to go, depending on the font of fun fur), my Tubey (which I started back when the Knitty first came out... last Summer? Earlier?), and now I'm working on a baby hat. Except it's a bit big, so I think it's going to be a big brother hat. Which means I'll have to make another big brother hat, in addition to the baby hat. So, right. By the time I get these done, it'll probably be too warm for hats :/

Speaking of things I should be working on, I still have nothing prepared for that shonen-ai panel I'm supposedly running at MTAC. Pocky & a movie will distract them, right? I know nothing about shonen-ai, truth be told. I don't know what I was thinking. Any help/opinions/ideas would be appreciated.

Chuck called me last night because he and a friend want to go. I don't mind giving them a ride there (It's not very far out of my way), but I didn't feel comfortable inviting them into our hotel room (you'll be glad to know). Maybe next year, if we all get along. I'm trying to get him to convince his friend (A French foreign exchange student) that he would really enjoy the Friday night panels ;)

My costume is still at a standstill. I've got the material & pattern for the dress, but everything else is intimidating me into submission! If you know a place where I can get inexpensive (but not cheap!) silver wigs, please tell me! And any "how to style wigs" links would be appreciated, too.

My usual method of dealing with stress is to add things to my "to do" list until I'm so busy that I can't think about the things causing stress. I think I may have overwhelmed myself this time, though. Or maybe that's just the Sudafed.

Also, today's Crap I Drew on My Lunch Break is so true. Sooo true.

i am insane, knitting, mtac

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