2000 words original stuff? You can do that!

Jul 30, 2010 14:05

Quick drive by post, I just got this:

Every Night Erotica publishes a new short story every night, 365 days a year! To that end, we are looking for submissions from everyone - multiple times! Please pass the word along. We published our first story on May 1st 2010 and we have been very well received thus far.  Visit us at www.everynighterotica.com to read the latest publication.

We'll satisfy two markets:
Experienced or virgin writers are welcome to submit their own original erotic works using our online form.  We are happy to include a short bio of the writer, as long as one is provided as well as a link to your book for purchase. 
READERsThe readers visit each evening to enjoy the proffered erotic tale.  They may choose to sign up with us and we'll send each new sexy story discreetly to their inbox.  We're even going to archive past stories so they don't have to, that way they can come back multiple times to renew their favourites or rediscover something sexy from the past.

We hope you will decide to join us.  Please visit http://www.everynighterotica.com/submit-story/ to learn more about our Writing Guidelines, Submissions Process and Compensation. I look forward to hearing from you.

Go forth and submit!!!
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