Oh look an update.

Dec 14, 2009 10:05

Well let's see if Opera 10 like this computer has will actually work with LJ unlike Calus' Opera 9.61 or whatever the hells it was I updated it to accidentally.

I'm in Kentucky now and I've had my first classes for the semester. Going to the ITT Tech in Louisville. Gonna finish up my Networking degree.

Speaking of Calus, yeah, my computer died. Hard drive went. Got to the hotel room the first night, took it out to use it in the room, hooked it up and turned it on... Click click click fuuuuuuuuuuck. It was of course the primary hard drive laden down with tons of files I probably can't replace but oh well after our first computer I'm *used* to losing all my data. No idea on the second hard drive, I'd have to dig it out and hook it up. Need to see if anything can be recovered from the primary too.

Oh yes, and the next day, driving across Arizona with a detour from the I-40 up to the Grand Canyon(Best 25 bucks I've ever spent, even if I was only there for an hour or so), the old 30gb iPod I'd swiped from mom when I visited in September that I was using for music on the trip that might otherwise have saved my music collection... Yeah that died too. *facepalm*

So mom has a laptop she doesn't even use at all, so I've been using that.

And then, to complete the 'bad things come in threes'? ANOTHER HARD DRIVE WHAT THE HELLS. Dad decided to get me a new computer(Dad you should know better by now than to get a pre-built), and lulz when I hooked it up and turned it on, lawl, Windows can't boot, kernel missing or corrupt. Couple of days and I can finally get tech support on the phone since durr it came on Saturday, and ok, that's where Acer hides the recovery partition. Derpyderp, ok, let's run this. Go make a sandwich, oh, it's done? OK, reboo- What the hell, *still*? So I run it again and lol there's your problem, I KNOW THAT NOISE. High metallic scraping, underlaid with *clickclickclick* Ffffffffff. So they tell me to call the people who sold the thing, who decide to simply send me a new hard drive, which is cute but lulz I don't have discs so I now need to call Acer again and look cute over the phone in hopes that they'll take pity on me since you know I CAN'T BURN RECOVERY DISCS IF I CAN'T GET INTO WINDOWS and send me some.

The new hard drive would appear to work just fine, however. I went into the bathroom(There's no carpet) and slapped it in this morning, and then had a moment of hilarity as I stuck the Windows Server 2003 disc from my textbook for my Network Operating Systems class in to try to test it by formatting the drive and it apparently couldn't cope with something or other and kept crashing lawl. So I said 'wait why am I doing this anyway' and came to my senses and went and downloaded Ubuntu and burned it and slapped it and installed it. Formats fine, installs fine, yay. So now I need the recovery discs so I can slap Windows on it. (Yes, yes, Matt, I know, but how am I supposed to play shitty windows-based games like Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst and Phantasy Star Universe without shitty windows? And yes, really shitty Windows, it's supposed to have Vista Home Premium 64-bit oh god.)

Which reminds me that I forgot to take the wireless NIC out of Calus and stick it in the other computer. Internet might be helpful. (And I need to learn how to install hardware in Linux anyway since oh god it's been five years and it was Red Hat Enterprise 3 on top of that. You know, server linux that DEFAULTS to a GUI wrrrrrryyy.)

In less 'lulz' news, I've managed to find a RL group to play D&D with, and they even play the edition I actually like. w00t.

There's a Lord of the Rings musical. Wat. The music is actually pretty good, though. If you can get over the horrific nerdiness of a musical that contains lyrics in Quenya.

computer, d&d, so-awful-it's-funny

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