И снова про бюджеты, Англия и Шотландия

Sep 02, 2024 08:27

Итак, для разгона после паузы и в честь Дня знаний.

Удалось наконец подкараулить книгу по последнему (до смутных времён) королю Шотландии,  Alexander III, 1249-1286: First Among Equals Нормана Рейда. И там интересная цифирь по бюджету (как раз как я люблю, в сравнении).

Сохранившийся документ от 1264 года даёт королевский доход в 5400 с небольшим ( Read more... )

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maxnechitaylov September 2 2024, 18:58:40 UTC
Though they were mostly ad hoc payments, these additional sources of income must have raised royal revenues to new levels. Though Alexander’s income was less than that of the English and French crown, and little more than that of the greatest English magnates, it was far above that of the richest of his own vassals, rising to perhaps as much as £8,000. In comparable circumstances, the lordship of Ireland produced a normal income of £5,000 for the English crown in the 1270s. 28 Of greater significance was the absence of major problems caused by royal financial demands in Scotland. Alexander III raised his income during a period of rising prosperity. Loans and customs represented the king’s cut of the growing profits of the wool trade. Loans were balanced by grants of new powers to burghs, and customs were set at a low level. Alexander’s reign witnessed no rapid growth in the scale or range of the crown’s demands on its subjects. Most significantly, there was no development of taxation on the goods of the whole population as a means of financing royal activities. The Scottish crown taxed only rarely, for set purposes and from its tenants-in-chief, in the form of an aid. The absence of general taxation meant that, unlike England, thirteenth-century Scotland saw no challenge to the crown on financial issues from bodies claiming to represent the whole community of the realm. Alexander III’s kingship was part of a more limited, less demanding tradition than that of the Plantagenets.
Alexander III supported himself from the ordinary revenues of the crown, ‘living of his own’, rather than from taxation. His chief expense, over £3,000 in 1264, was maintaining the king’s and queen’s households.

26 E.R., i, 6-7, 10, 25; Duncan, Making of the kingdom, 595-602; Grant, ‘Thanes and thanages’, 61-5; S.H.S. Misc., ii, 24-6.
27 Scotichronicon, v, 380-1; Donaldson, ‘The rights of the Scottish crown in episcopal vacancies’, 27-35; Stevenson, Documents, i, no. 320; Mayhew, ‘Alexander III - silver age?’, 53-73, 54; Duncan, Making of the kingdom, 603-4.
28 For these comparisons, see Prestwich, Edward I, ch. 9; Stringer, Earl David of Huntingdon, 191; Altschul, A Baronial Family in Medieval England: The Clares, 201-6; Denholm-Young, Richard of Cornwall, 163; Lydon, The Lordship of Ireland in the Middle Ages, 125.


nai2008 September 2 2024, 18:59:46 UTC



nai2008 September 2 2024, 19:06:30 UTC

Кстати, в целом Ваши цифры бьются с Рейдом.


maxnechitaylov September 2 2024, 19:10:47 UTC
Ну так Рейд уже стоял на плечах титанов - Барроу, Данкана, Брауна и других, благо что уже изданы все известные документы этого короля и забабахан был о нем же сборник статей (включая статью об армии Александра III).


nai2008 September 2 2024, 19:18:19 UTC

- сборник статей (включая статью об армии Александра III.

Как называется, если можно?


maxnechitaylov September 2 2024, 19:20:45 UTC
В Сети его нет, увы. Редактором и был Рейд. Пересказ статьи об армии есть в соответствующей главе книги Брауна.
Выходные данные: http://opac.regesta-imperii.de/lang_en/anzeige.php?buchbeitrag=The+army+of+Alexander+III%27s+Scotland&pk=145512


nai2008 September 25 2024, 13:25:57 UTC

Принято, спасибо.


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