Your MOM is a hairball.

Jan 17, 2006 15:26

First day of the semester today. I fear "Applied Mathematics I" (which is actually partial diffies masquerading under a nice bland title) is going to be a dud. The professor seems to know his stuff, but he's one of those Oriental types with an accent that I have to concentrate hard to comprehend. I'm not too good at understanding people with accents.

The proofs are not yet back. Apparently as long as we get them back in the mail by Friday it'll be all right.

Penny caught a rabbit today. And hung on. Dad had to go out and separate the two and pick Penny up. Apparently the silly bunny thought that that was that and sat there and "cried" (Mom's word) instead of getting its fuzzy ears out of Dodge like its buddy had already done. Because when Dad put Penny back down again, she promptly took off after the rabbit and caught it again. So Dad had to separate them again. This time the bunny had the sense to take the opportunity scoot out of the yard. Hopefully it wasn't too badly hurt.

Katy and I had fun watching the dog show over the weekend. Apparently she'd never had the chance to see one before except for at local fairs (!). I think that with the really long lines of dogs, the officials should see to it that a handler with a penguin or hamster or rhinoceros or other non-doggish animal is randomly snuck into line every so often, just to make sure the judge and spectators are paying attention.

katy, penny, college, randomosity

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