Poor Penny...

Jul 11, 2005 11:46

She's scheduled for That Operation next week or so. ;~)

I have figured out that Penny relies on the tone of voice, along with actions, rather than words to decide what's going on. I could probably whisper to her in my Conspiratorial Voice about watermelons being yummy and she would race for the back door convinced I was telling her yet again that there was a fuzzy she needed to chase in the backyard.

When returning from a hot walk, Penny has the messy habit of heading straight for her water bowl and soaking/splashing her paws in it while she drinks. Quite amusing.

Yet again I have demonstrated the total lack of connection between what I experience and what I do.

"Oh my," I think as I look at the projected paths of Dennis over the past week, "this one might actually skim by Missouri...might actually make it to the bootheel...might make it all the way to St. Louis in an extreme case..." Yesterday Mom comments that we'll be turning on the sprinkler soon if some expected rain doesn't water the lawn over the next few days. Today there's a graphic showing the storm brushing past St. Louis in a newspaper article talking about, in part, the likelihood that we'll get some rain from Dennis here.

Not ONCE does it occur to me, until after I've parked at college and gotten out of the car and thought, "Heh. Feels like the clouds are leaking a bit", that maaaaaybe I should have brought along an umbrella today.

penny, dipstickery

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