This week

Apr 26, 2005 22:23

Pujols made a knock-your-socks-off play tonight O_O. Something's screwy if it isn't on SportsCenter tonight.

You know, Lord of the Rings trilogy aside, I can't remember the last time I really looked forward to seeing a movie based in large part on its trailers. No, scratch that--I looked forward to the LotR movies because the word consistently was that people involved were big LotR fans and they'd gone to some trouble to get it right. Trailers had nothing to do with it as I oh-so-vaguely recall.

Trailers usually repel me. The narrations are shamelessly cliched--irritating enough to merit a death sentence for whoever slapped them together, likely as not--and transparent, the comedy trailers aim for the LCD (not that the others don't), the action/adventure-type trailers are too obsessed with showing the big boomies and gunfights to get around to demonstrating actual merit (I like explosions, but not in a theater with the sound already cranked up so high that a whisper onscreen is louder than a shout in my ear), and on and on.

But the stuff they're putting out for Hitchhiker's Guide is really rubbing me the right way. Part of it's the impression that they are essentially using Adams's script for this movie, but the fact is, the trailers are showing us stuff from throughout the book. Which is bad for people who haven't read the book--I hate spoilage--but it's good vibes in my book. Because everything I've seen looks good, Marvin's appearance aside. And it's giving me the impression that somebody is telling the fans, "Hey, we did this right and we're honestly proud of how it came out. We're even willing to put any of it out there for your examination. Find something wrong with it, we dare you. I guarantee you won't."

Right now I think the only two things that can screw this movie up are acting and music (and I include "mood" in acting). Because if Adams wrote the script and the visuals are as good as they seem to be, there's precious little else that can stand in the way of this being a Very Good Movie.

...Well, I am nervous about verbal hints that a certain subplot's been tacked on (I know what I'm talking about). But hopefully it works well.

hitchhiker's guide, classic

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