Jun 03, 2009 15:48

As of about 3:45 PM (about 15 minutes ago), my game is actually playable!

- The board sets up correctly.
- When you click on a space, it registers only if there's a piece in the space, in which case the space lights up, as do all the spaces to which the piece can move.
- Click again, and if it's on a lit-up space the piece moves there (and does not leave a copy of itself behind), or is deselected if you clicked the same piece again. Clicking on the wrong hex doesn't do anything, and clicking off of the board deselects the piece.

Well, this isn't entirely accurate. I still need to make a few of the "lit-up" images. Also I need to build a few routines into the "move" method to allow for a few of the pieces, but those should be straightforward as well. But I have been having a good deal of trouble with the second and third items up there, and the few remaining gaps should be a cakewalk.

There's still a lot to do. The program has no clue about winning conditions. The complex parts of the moving rules have yet to be written. There's also nothing stopping a piece from capturing a buddy yet. And so on and so forth. But, hopefully, it's mostly downhill from here.

computers, games

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