This is what I put up with from me ALL THE TIME.

Nov 06, 2008 18:30

Last week: Hmm, my hair is getting long, I'd better get it cut soon. Oh hey, someone left a coupon on the keyboard, $3 off, works for me.

Sunday or so: Well, I'm going to be voting Tuesday, and I should be in and out just fine, so I'll get my hair cut then.

Monday: Oh, right, tutee wants to be tutored early Tuesday. No sweat. If I can't get voting in before the session, there'll be plenty of time for it and the haircut afterwards and still make it to class on time (albeit messy).

Tuesday: Oversleep just a bit, muff the time-tracking, and get to tutoring system a surprising quarter-hour late. (Surprising because I arrived well after 9 AM and by all rights should have had to hike it, but I guess enough people were late voting that a few spots were still open in the handy parking garage. Yay!) Tutee is nowhere to be seen, I check email, says she'll be there by, like, 10:30 or something. Long story short, haha yeah right and we get done less than an hour before class. I vote afterwards. No haircut. Eh well, Thursday will be fine.

Thursday: Attending to homework and stuff, muff the time-tracking AGAIN (twice in a week?!) and have to rush out the door. Except no, the stupid door still won't slam locked so I have to go back in my room and switch keyrings so I can lock behind me. Grrrrr. Also have to detour to keyboard to get coupon so I can get a haircut after cla . . . Which haircut place is this for?!? The thing's been lying there, like, a WEEK and only now do I notice that there's no identifying information on it. "Brilliant!" Well, at least it hasn't expired. I can ask Mom if she remembers which one it's for when I get home after class.

On the way home, I first think "Straight to the haircut place, hopefully before it closes!" but then remember the coupon. OK, detour home to pick that up and maybe, just maybe, I can get a trip in before dinner. Arrive home. Look at the coupon . . . wait, this is for a cut + shampoo. I don't do, salon shampoo, goo, thank you, Miz Moo. And the price is such that I'm not sure the haircut alone wouldn't be cheaper even against the discount. Pfft.

So tomorrow it is. Probably. Presumably. And I can just tell them to lay off the shampoo, goo or no goo.

OK, I'm doing a nice little simple matrix problem. No problem. I'm confident. I write it down fine and dandy, the values are a breeze once I waste about five minutes looking up the phrase to be sure of what's being asked for, the vectors are a tad balky but nothing I can't handle . . . except they WON'T CHECK. ??? Dot products are fine, but I'm trying to cross them to make sure they're pointing appropriate directions and they WILL NOT COME OUT. Wonderful. I'm going to waste, like, another FIVE STINKIN' YEARS trying to track down some dinky little error that 1) is really stupid, or 2) doesn't exist because these really are the correct vectors, first time out, and I'm just flubbing the checking process. SICK AND TIRED OF THIS NONSENSE. I AM A PHYSICS MAJOR. I KNOW PERFECTLY WELL I can handle basic arithmetic (which is really what this is. Dead serious). So QUIT throwing in monkey wrenches, me or problem, whichever may be at fault. Actually, no, BOTH of you quit it. FOREVER. Or ELSE.


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