A Fabergecation of its formerly useful self

Sep 13, 2007 14:35

A rough plot over time of my evaluation of MS Office 2007, after a brief interaction with Word the other day and a not-brief-enough interaction with Powerpoint today:

One day, far in the future, someone may actually learn how to make a wide-usage program that is adequate for all sensible needs without being insulting (see: the previous version of Office programs, with their irritating sidebar obsession [I don't WANT the ENTIRE BLASTED WINDOW RESIZING every time I access Help]) or needlessly obscure (Why the splut are all the Printing options under "Advanced"?!?).

Until then, I'll feel free to be insulting right back.

Like this: Hey, Powerpoint designers, you morons, there's this neat little concept called "double-click". Your ancestors knew about it, and they even allowed this nifty little trick where the user could double-click on a drawing tool icon and thereby draw as many whatevers in a row as he or she pleased, without having to keep clicking on it. Neat idea, huh? Oh, but you're too busy collaborating on that silly decorative background swoosh and the whole "Works" brainwashing mentality with everyone else to think about UTILITY so much as to keep useful features from previous versions. Silly me.

I wonder if the '95 versions can be made to work somehow on XP or Vista . . .

microsoft, computers, rants

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