Nov 14, 2006 15:56
A few comments before I go off to cram one last time for today's Modern Electronics test:
--I really don't like transistors.
--I really don't like it when a community has that stupid thingy-bar at the top of the page. I didn't enable it in my options, why should I have to put up with the stupid thing? (This despite my previous wishing that the links provided therein were available on all LJ pages. I took a dislike to the stupid thingy-bar when it was introduced and having it "forced" on me did not help.)
--Did that Weird Al guy or anyone else ever do a quasi-parody of "One Is The Loneliest Number"? Write it from the perspective of a polygamist and title it "Three Is The Loneliest Number" or something. Hey, it could work.
--Seriously, someone write a superhero who fights evil with his Amazing Stupidity.
--I really don't care for op-amps either.