I'll take Potpourri for $300, Alex . . .

Sep 28, 2006 20:22

It's official: I am a Physics Major.

I saw a car with a bunch of bumper stickers in the parking garage on campus the other day. One sticker caught my attention. It had three squares, each a different color. First square contained the peace symbol. Second contained a heart. Third contained an "equals" sign, which I now suppose to be intended to mean "equality" (among the sexes, among the races, among the Bobs, etc.).
Immediately below that was another sticker in a different style; this one simply said, I think, "Peace" or some similar sentiment in a cursive font. At first glance I thought the two were a single bumper sticker.

Do you know what promptly went through my head?

"Peaceful relations are a vector quantity because you need two ends which implies direction is involved, love is a vector quantity because you need two ends which implies direction is involved . . . so this equation is flawed. Whoever designed this bumper sticker forgot to indicate whether this is supposed to be a dot product or a cross product. Tsk tsk."


While we're on the subject of rear bumpers . . .

Saw a license plate the other day that read YHTUOM2. Heheh. Saw another today, it was NTVSTATN. That took me a bit to figure out. My all-time favorite is probably still H2OMLN.

Want to give the chance to dial up a pass a pass? Pass to different parts of the dial.

I know there's another oldies station somewhere high on the AM dial around here. I'm gonna have to seek it out if KLOU keeps spending 2 hours every single stinkin' night on yammering about the Rams. How do you get 10 hours of chatter out of 1 hour a week?! Lotsa commercials I guess. Sheesh.

Yes, I can get even more incomprehensible than the previous heading.

I have been amusing myself lately by assembling a totally quasi-undecipherable cipher for use at odd moments when I Really Need A Better Hobby. The drawback to it (besides the length of time needed to put a proper encoding together) is that only I can decode it, which makes it rather useless for passing messages to others. Handy for writing up notes on my Secrets Revealed Through Incredible Groundbreaking Mad Scientististic Experiments That The Army/CIA/KGB/NWO Would Kill For if my life ever turns into a sci-fi / horror movie, though.

Edit: P.S.

Do NOT buy SimpleTech USB memory stick things. They're a #($*#%&##*@#&*#(@ing pain in the crowbar to get open.

bumper stickers, codes, license plates, radio, physics, humor, classic

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