Jan 03, 2010 18:29

[Law of the Land]:

[01]. Do NOT, under any circumstances, release evidence or information on the suspect to the press without expressed permission from your superior.

[02]. SPELL CHECK YOUR REPORTS. None of this "your" vs "you're" crap, or 'u' or '2getha' or whatever. The report will be regarded as unimportant and will not be read.

[03]. The suspect is known to use profanity and sexual humor. Do not be offended or do not bother talking to her.

[04]. Disrespect of any kind is not tolerated in the lab. This includes discrimination, being republican, enjoying crappy music (Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, either of the Simpson sisters, William Hung, Brittney Spears with the exception of Toxic, etc; it's disrespect to the actually talented artists out there), prejudice and especially homophobism.

[05]. Evidence is added to Case File #5854216246 often, sometimes more than once a day. Other times it may be days between additions.

[06]. Friends of the accused may not be friends with each other. Please keep arguements out of the lab and notes on Case File #5854216246 and take it up elsewhere if at all.

[07]. Believe it or not, the accused and others do not always wish to read those email surveys so don't send them out on the accomplices page or put them behind a cut (<*lj-cut text="blahblah"> behind the cut <*/lj-cut> sans asterisks out of respect for your peers and coworkers.

[08]. Contribute to Case File #5854216246 as much as you can. Add notes to entries of evidence.

[09]. Graphics are made, unless otherwise stated, by the accused. Do not steal them and do not ask for any. It is rude and obnoxious, and will end up getting you on the accused's (s)hit list.

Well, that about sums it up. With that, please feel free to apply to the lab by adding a note to this rules sheet by clicking the link below:
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