Apr 04, 2005 19:26

yay!! it has been 3 months for me and Joe. I would have had a great day If Joe was in school, but im not blaming him he says he has the flu, apparently he will be in school tomorrow. There was no one around today at lunch, so me and AShley went over to the OTHER corner (yes i know it is pathetic, leave me alone! we need a place to hang out!) i don't like going over there because Cody is over there and it is surprisingly hot...and LOUD! Me and AShley didnt like it over thre so we went back to the other corner and when we got there, there were people already there!!>< -mummbles, stupid people in MY corner- WELL, any way, i had two test today!! one in HGs, but that was really easy, it was all multiple choice and true and false, but my math test wasnt that easy! it was only 4 pages, ashleys was 6 (hehe,she sucks) i thin k i actually did good on this math test, my last one i got a 56 on it>< i really wish i had something exciting to talk about, but my life is so boreing!!>< ill try to be more exciting so you guys have some things better to read!!!!^_^ oh!! i firgured out how to reply to comments now!!! i jsut do it on the web site instead of through email!(dont laugh at me! im computer challenged>< its not my fault!! -runs away crying-)
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