Sep 10, 2012 15:53

I know it's early in the year and school is just starting but Yuletide nominations are starting soon. I was wondering if anyone of you - esteemed flist, and others - have any suggestions re: what to nominate for yuletide this year that might be of interest to us generally as footie rpf fans. I was thinking about nominating pundit slash (Football Weekly certainly deserves a nomination, Sid/Jimbo oh lord I ship it) and I know some of you guys have been thinking similar thoughts? are people thinking of nominating women's football rpf? (distira? maybe?)

I don't know if "traditional" footie slash deserves a nomination - considering that we're a small fandom, but we're still active, we have fic exchanges, we have cornerflag, etc etc - we're not really a rare fandom, right? I see yuletide as the place you get the fic you've always wanted to read or write for a fandom that essentially does not exist. but certainly there are fannish spaces surronding footie slash that I would love to see flushed out, and I think yuletide could be a cool place for that. hence the punditslash, the femslash. I also might nominate SportsCenter since I can. and Inspector Lewis.

what are your yuletide hopes and dreams, gentle readers? let's talk about it. 
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