I mentioned to acchikocchi a while ago that I was going to write a post about how I write DV and DS. this is kind of that post? or just me blathering on.
Re: wow long comment is long - two parts baby!acchikocchiMarch 3 2011, 04:05:58 UTC
maybe I'll just throw out fic scenarios in EVERY COMMENT and see how many results I can get kdsadklfjlsdfjlafjlsfd. please get carried away all the time. Cris and Leo's "it's so hard to be the two best players in the world" friendship! longsuffering Cris and his unrequited love! MISUNDERSTANDINGS GALORE.
"He says his own name during sex? Jesus fucking christ, I didn't think he was that arrogant."
*diiiiiiies* oh Cris. oh DV.
and after el Classico or whatever
you mean after they lose el Clasico? where DV is really upset with himself for not scoring (because they're playing him ineffectively of course XD) and maybe brushes off Leo more harshly than he intended to. he didn't really mean to brush him off, period, he just wasn't thinking about it. which is sort of the problem.
and instead he goes home and broods, and then DS texts him and he feels better and worse at the same time.
...yeah, poor Leo. whatever, he ends up with someone properly adoring in the end, it's fine. (I kind of want Cris to confront DV over this, too, but I don't know how that would even happen. except obviously Cris is not at a level to handle DV so he'd just get angrier and blusterier and more frustrated and eventually be like "I SLEPT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND DON'T YOU EVEN CARE" and DV doesn't even get that he's talking about Leo for a minute. and it goes downhill from there.)
Re: wow long comment is long - two parts baby!nahco3March 4 2011, 03:15:48 UTC
you mean after they lose el Clasico? where DV is really upset with himself for not scoring (because they're playing him ineffectively of course XD) and maybe brushes off Leo more harshly than he intended to. he didn't really mean to brush him off, period, he just wasn't thinking about it. which is sort of the problem.
yes yes yes, exactly. like, DV doesn't mean to be dick to Leo, but he's upset and he misses DS and has a completely different perception of his relationship with Leo than Leo does. (ie, Leo thinks they're dating, DV thinks they're fucking around. and of course they never talk about it.)
and instead he goes home and broods, and then DS texts him and he feels better and worse at the same time.
...yeah, poor Leo. whatever, he ends up with someone properly adoring in the end, it's fine. (I kind of want Cris to confront DV over this, too, but I don't know how that would even happen. except obviously Cris is not at a level to handle DV so he'd just get angrier and blusterier and more frustrated and eventually be like "I SLEPT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND DON'T YOU EVEN CARE" and DV doesn't even get that he's talking about Leo for a minute. and it goes downhill from there.)
YOU GENIUS. obviously Cris confronts DV, how could he not. except he's pretending to do it just as friend, instead of as the heartbroken sap he really is. and then when he says I SLEPT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND and DV goes apeshit (because...how did you get to Silva, bastard, if you're lying I'll kill you!"
And then David maybe realizes he needs to start thinking about Leo more seriously, or dumping him.
OK SO I JUST QUOTED ALL OF THIS BACK TO YOU DEAL WITH IT. it's just because you are so brilliant I can't handle it.
Re: wow long comment is long - two parts baby!acchikocchiMarch 4 2011, 03:55:54 UTC
of course they never talk about it.
of course they don't, one of them is David Villa. (ilu DV, honest.)
because...how did you get to Silva, bastard, if you're lying I'll kill you!"
YES YES YES EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING. he thinks it's some kind of slam about him being still hung up on Silva and is infuriated on about three different level (how did you know/you dare mock my broken heart/YOU DID WHAT) and then the red mist clears and it's like "but how did you even - wait. you're friends with... waaaait."
obviously this all happens inside his head, but his face undergoes a progression of blank --> murderous --> still murderous but also slightly confused --> clearing into comprehension and also some relief. and Cris is like "...what the fuck."
And then David maybe realizes he needs to start thinking about Leo more seriously, or dumping him.
yes. and he maybe tries thinking about seriously just to see how it feels - because like you said he thought it was something totally different - and it just... doesn't. feel right. perhaps there's a feeling of "maybe this could be possible, in a different universe" (<-- see, I'm nice to the shippers), but not in this one.
which is probably for the best because I'm thinking by this point Cris and Leo have hooked up and Leo is starting to get the picture.
though I'm torn as to whether DV breaks it off and Leo and Cris hook up again - Cris can angst on the inside and be a caring friend on the outside, Leo can contrast that with his entire relationship with DV and be like ".....okay, actually, huh" - or whether Leo should be the one to be like, "okay, I think it's pretty clear this isn't healthy for either of us, and also maybe you should go visit Manchester or something, just a thought." because, man, if getting verbally slapped upside the head by sad/hurt/disappointed Leo Messi doesn't make you get your act together, I don't know what would.
(also I just want the part where DV and DS get back together now. when did my mind become so one-track? WHATEVER I DON'T CARE.)
if only our collective brainstorming could magically grow into actual fic on its own. we'd be so prolific. and they'd all be so amazing.
edit: I did not realize how long this comment was going to be until it posted. um.
Re: wow long comment is long - two parts baby!nahco3March 4 2011, 04:36:20 UTC
of course they don't, one of them is David Villa.
ahahaa, so so true.
he thinks it's some kind of slam about him being still hung up on Silva and is infuriated on about three different level (how did you know/you dare mock my broken heart/YOU DID WHAT) and then the red mist clears and it's like "but how did you even - wait. you're friends with... waaaait."
THIS MENTAL IMAGE IS SUPERB. and of course he would jump to that conclusion immediately in part because he's thinking about DS (and how pathetic he is to be thinking about DS, etc) all the time, so it's the first thing on his mind.
and he maybe tries thinking about seriously just to see how it feels - because like you said he thought it was something totally different - and it just... doesn't. feel right. perhaps there's a feeling of "maybe this could be possible, in a different universe"
yes yes yes. DV wouldn't give up right away, because he'd feel bad that Leo was trying the whole time and he didn't notice, but then he'd be trying it just wouldn't work. sigh. and that's a nice allowance to make for the shippers.
though I'm torn as to whether DV breaks it off and Leo and Cris hook up again - Cris can angst on the inside and be a caring friend on the outside, Leo can contrast that with his entire relationship with DV and be like ".....okay, actually, huh" - or whether Leo should be the one to be like, "okay, I think it's pretty clear this isn't healthy for either of us, and also maybe you should go visit Manchester or something, just a thought." because, man, if getting verbally slapped upside the head by sad/hurt/disappointed Leo Messi doesn't make you get your act together, I don't know what would.
I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT MORE. because I want angstying CRon so incredibly badly all the time, but I also also also really want Messi gently slapping some sense into DV. and also of course Messi would do it because he doesn't really want DV anymore but he's too nice to dump him. so he tries to create a situation where DV has to dump him.
oh! and then he tells CRon and CRon assumes he's hung up about it and there is ANGST and then sex and then happily ever after.
(also I just want the part where DV and DS get back together now. when did my mind become so one-track? WHATEVER I DON'T CARE.)
that is my first reaction. and then has to call DS and DS comes and picks him up at the airport. and then they might actually have to talk about their feelings. oh god.
if only our collective brainstorming could magically grow into actual fic on its own. we'd be so prolific. and they'd all be so amazing.
this is my greatest wish. I am so good at brainstorming and so bad at writing. THINK OF ALL THE EPIC FICS WE WOULD PRODUCE. they would be amazing.
edited. curse this html.acchikocchiMarch 4 2011, 05:25:01 UTC
in part because he's thinking about DS (and how pathetic he is to be thinking about DS, etc) all the time, so it's the first thing on his mind.
yes yes yes yes yes. of course.
that's a nice allowance to make for the shippers.
it's called being magnanimous in victory. XD
Messi would do it because he doesn't really want DV anymore but he's too nice to dump him. so he tries to create a situation where DV has to dump him.
oh! and then he tells CRon and CRon assumes he's hung up about it and there is ANGST and then sex and then happily ever after.
AHA perfect solution! (CRon is such a martyr, I love it.) why isn't this a fic already, seriously.
that is my first reaction. and then has to call DS and DS comes and picks him up at the airport. and then they might actually have to talk about their feelings. oh god.
and DV being DV he has trouble competently expressing his feelings and instead it comes out all backwards: "I was sleeping with Leo Messi, and it was all wrong, and then he told me I should deal with my own feelings - and - so I wanted you to know - "
and DS is just like "...you were - what?"
and it goes like:
Silva's face was almost white.
"You're really unbelievable, you know that?" Silva said. His voice was shaking. "Coming here to say you're - sleeping with someone else, and that's why I should - should - " His hands were trembling, too - with anger? with hurt? Silva didn't finish his sentence. There was nothing David could say, so he didn't.
After a minute, Silva took a short, steadying breath. "It's not like I didn't know," he said. "Or guess. But - even you - I didn't think - "
That made David speak. "How could you have - "
"I know how you treat people you're fucking," Silva bit out, so sharply David's head snapped back as if from a physical blow.
His lip stung. He realized, after a second, he'd bitten it.
Silva wasn't looking at him any more. His head had dropped, and his shoulders had fallen. One hand was clenched tightly in his hair: a sight so familiar it sent a sharp, aching throb through David's chest. He looked - defeated.
And David didn't know - couldn't -
"No, you don't," he said, before he could stop.
Silva's head whipped back up. He looked really angry now. "Don't I? After three years - three years, David - don't you dare try and - "
"You don't," David repeated, angry himself, because he didn't know how else to say it. "You don't."
He saw exactly when Silva understood, because he went even paler, and then the color rushed back to his cheeks all at once. His mouth parted, but he didn't say anything - just stared at David, eyes darker and wider than David had ever seen. David could see the denial, and the disbelief, and - smoldering underneath - the bruised, flickering hope.
David took a step forward, than another. Silva still didn't move, or look away. So David kissed him.
and then they have rough hurty but cathartic sex. and Silva is kind of possessive and bitey but also - well, like I said, there's lots of emotional catharsis for everyone.
and they can talk more afterwards, since that's not really sufficient discussion. but that's the important part. XD
Re: edited. curse this html.nahco3March 4 2011, 05:57:58 UTC
perfect solution! (CRon is such a martyr, I love it.) why isn't this a fic already, seriously.
this is exactly how I feel.
MY FACE WHEN I SAW YOU HAD WRITTEN SOME. it was grinning a lot.
oh my god.
His voice was shaking. "Coming here to say you're - sleeping with someone else, and that's why I should - should - " His hands were trembling, too - with anger? with hurt? Silva didn't finish his sentence. There was nothing David could say, so he didn't.
THIS THIS THIS. Silva's body language. the angst. DV's silence. oh god so good. and the fact that Silva' right, in a way, that David is that much of a douche. but also that he isn't. my point being this is all my characterization kinks in one place and it is amazing.
"It's not like I didn't know," he said. "Or guess. But - even you - I didn't think - "
so my hobby is trying to think of the saddest possible ways to finish these sentences. oh Silva, honey. D: D: D: so much pain.
That made David speak. "How could you have - "
DAVID YOU IDIOT. how could he have known? don't be a dick. (this advice, probably too late.)
"I know how you treat people you're fucking," Silva bit out, so sharply David's head snapped back as if from a physical blow.
MY HEART MY HEART. oh my god, DS. this is amazing. I love how violent his anger gets suddenly because DV basically just broke his heart again and ugh. how DV reacts, too, to that is amazing. !!!!!!!
His head had dropped, and his shoulders had fallen. One hand was clenched tightly in his hair: a sight so familiar it sent a sharp, aching throb through David's chest. He looked - defeated.
And David didn't know - couldn't -
I am quoting every line because YOU ARE KILLING ME WITH EVERY LINE HERE OK. god, this. more DS pain. more DV helpless to stop what he caused. more of me doing this :D :D :D :D
He looked really angry now. "Don't I? After three years - three years, David - don't you dare try and - "
"You don't," David repeated, angry himself, because he didn't know how else to say it. "You don't."
I love the degree of intimacy implied here. not just intimacy but their whole past - what both of them think of their whole past - and you've managed to imply it all in just a few sentences. in some ways this is better than a 50k epic because you can fill in everything yourself. not that I don't want a 50k epic about DV/DS. (ot: this is something I always felt I should write, but know I am not capable of.)
His mouth parted, but he didn't say anything - just stared at David, eyes darker and wider than David had ever seen. David could see the denial, and the disbelief, and - smoldering underneath - the bruised, flickering hope.
my heart. that's all.
David took a step forward, than another. Silva still didn't move, or look away. So David kissed him
and then they have rough hurty but cathartic sex. and Silva is kind of possessive and bitey but also - well, like I said, there's lots of emotional catharsis for everyone.
and they can talk more afterwards, since that's not really sufficient discussion. but that's the important part.
oh my god I love you. and I need to go to bed, which prevents me from doing my part for the team but basically YES WHY IS THIS NOT WRITTEN ALREADY and also I LOVE YOU.
and ok fine just a little bit:
Silva makes coffee quietly that morning. David sits at the breakfast table, looking at a newspaper he can't read.
"We should talk," Silva says, giving him a cup of coffee. "Since that's what you came all this way to do." He sits down opposite David.
David keeps his face down. He knows what he needs to say, should say, but it's like there's a wall between those words and what comes out of his mouth.
"What's there to talk about?" he asks. Silva gives him a look, steel-edged.
Re: edited. curse this html.acchikocchiMarch 4 2011, 17:28:04 UTC
that scene was totally cheating because I got to write all the razor angst and peaked tension, i.e. my favorite parts, without having to worry about pesky things like "build up" or "follow through". but what is commentfic for if not for self indulgence like that?
not that I don't want a 50k epic about DV/DS. (ot: this is something I always felt I should write, but know I am not capable of.)
you know I would be your slave pretty much forever, right? I mean. I understand it's an undertaking. but if anyone in this whole fandom were qualified... (how about, like, 20k?)
and ok fine just a little bit:
:D the lure is impossible to resist.
David sits at the breakfast table, looking at a newspaper he can't read.
I love this detail. hee.
He knows what he needs to say, should say, but it's like there's a wall between those words and what comes out of his mouth.
"What's there to talk about?" he asks.
oh, David. I want to thwack him and laugh at him at the same time.
Silva gives him a look, steel-edged.
"You tell me," he says.
I love DS so much. so much. almost as much as I love you.
Re: edited. curse this html.nahco3March 5 2011, 19:08:09 UTC
because I got to write all the razor angst and peaked tension, i.e. my favorite parts, without having to worry about pesky things like "build up" or "follow through". but what is commentfic for if not for self indulgence like that?
exactly! that's why comment fic is clearly what I'm meant to write.
you know I would be your slave pretty much forever, right? I mean. I understand it's an undertaking. but if anyone in this whole fandom were qualified... (how about, like, 20k?)
ahahaa, we'll I will honestly try one day! probably over the summer, when I have free time.
I love DS so much. so much. almost as much as I love you
I am just spending all my time imagining a revised version of CRon confronting DV AND Alves. and it is fucking hilarious. esp. since I hate Dani Alves with the fire of a thousand suns.
"He says his own name during sex? Jesus fucking christ, I didn't think he was that arrogant."
*diiiiiiies* oh Cris. oh DV.
and after el Classico or whatever
you mean after they lose el Clasico? where DV is really upset with himself for not scoring (because they're playing him ineffectively of course XD) and maybe brushes off Leo more harshly than he intended to. he didn't really mean to brush him off, period, he just wasn't thinking about it. which is sort of the problem.
and instead he goes home and broods, and then DS texts him and he feels better and worse at the same time.
...yeah, poor Leo. whatever, he ends up with someone properly adoring in the end, it's fine. (I kind of want Cris to confront DV over this, too, but I don't know how that would even happen. except obviously Cris is not at a level to handle DV so he'd just get angrier and blusterier and more frustrated and eventually be like "I SLEPT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND DON'T YOU EVEN CARE" and DV doesn't even get that he's talking about Leo for a minute. and it goes downhill from there.)
yes yes yes, exactly. like, DV doesn't mean to be dick to Leo, but he's upset and he misses DS and has a completely different perception of his relationship with Leo than Leo does. (ie, Leo thinks they're dating, DV thinks they're fucking around. and of course they never talk about it.)
and instead he goes home and broods, and then DS texts him and he feels better and worse at the same time.
...yeah, poor Leo. whatever, he ends up with someone properly adoring in the end, it's fine. (I kind of want Cris to confront DV over this, too, but I don't know how that would even happen. except obviously Cris is not at a level to handle DV so he'd just get angrier and blusterier and more frustrated and eventually be like "I SLEPT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND DON'T YOU EVEN CARE" and DV doesn't even get that he's talking about Leo for a minute. and it goes downhill from there.)
YOU GENIUS. obviously Cris confronts DV, how could he not. except he's pretending to do it just as friend, instead of as the heartbroken sap he really is. and then when he says I SLEPT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND and DV goes apeshit (because...how did you get to Silva, bastard, if you're lying I'll kill you!"
And then David maybe realizes he needs to start thinking about Leo more seriously, or dumping him.
OK SO I JUST QUOTED ALL OF THIS BACK TO YOU DEAL WITH IT. it's just because you are so brilliant I can't handle it.
of course they don't, one of them is David Villa. (ilu DV, honest.)
because...how did you get to Silva, bastard, if you're lying I'll kill you!"
YES YES YES EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING. he thinks it's some kind of slam about him being still hung up on Silva and is infuriated on about three different level (how did you know/you dare mock my broken heart/YOU DID WHAT) and then the red mist clears and it's like "but how did you even - wait. you're friends with... waaaait."
obviously this all happens inside his head, but his face undergoes a progression of blank --> murderous --> still murderous but also slightly confused --> clearing into comprehension and also some relief. and Cris is like "...what the fuck."
And then David maybe realizes he needs to start thinking about Leo more seriously, or dumping him.
yes. and he maybe tries thinking about seriously just to see how it feels - because like you said he thought it was something totally different - and it just... doesn't. feel right. perhaps there's a feeling of "maybe this could be possible, in a different universe" (<-- see, I'm nice to the shippers), but not in this one.
which is probably for the best because I'm thinking by this point Cris and Leo have hooked up and Leo is starting to get the picture.
though I'm torn as to whether DV breaks it off and Leo and Cris hook up again - Cris can angst on the inside and be a caring friend on the outside, Leo can contrast that with his entire relationship with DV and be like ".....okay, actually, huh" - or whether Leo should be the one to be like, "okay, I think it's pretty clear this isn't healthy for either of us, and also maybe you should go visit Manchester or something, just a thought." because, man, if getting verbally slapped upside the head by sad/hurt/disappointed Leo Messi doesn't make you get your act together, I don't know what would.
(also I just want the part where DV and DS get back together now. when did my mind become so one-track? WHATEVER I DON'T CARE.)
if only our collective brainstorming could magically grow into actual fic on its own. we'd be so prolific. and they'd all be so amazing.
edit: I did not realize how long this comment was going to be until it posted. um.
ahahaa, so so true.
he thinks it's some kind of slam about him being still hung up on Silva and is infuriated on about three different level (how did you know/you dare mock my broken heart/YOU DID WHAT) and then the red mist clears and it's like "but how did you even - wait. you're friends with... waaaait."
THIS MENTAL IMAGE IS SUPERB. and of course he would jump to that conclusion immediately in part because he's thinking about DS (and how pathetic he is to be thinking about DS, etc) all the time, so it's the first thing on his mind.
and he maybe tries thinking about seriously just to see how it feels - because like you said he thought it was something totally different - and it just... doesn't. feel right. perhaps there's a feeling of "maybe this could be possible, in a different universe"
yes yes yes. DV wouldn't give up right away, because he'd feel bad that Leo was trying the whole time and he didn't notice, but then he'd be trying it just wouldn't work. sigh. and that's a nice allowance to make for the shippers.
though I'm torn as to whether DV breaks it off and Leo and Cris hook up again - Cris can angst on the inside and be a caring friend on the outside, Leo can contrast that with his entire relationship with DV and be like ".....okay, actually, huh" - or whether Leo should be the one to be like, "okay, I think it's pretty clear this isn't healthy for either of us, and also maybe you should go visit Manchester or something, just a thought." because, man, if getting verbally slapped upside the head by sad/hurt/disappointed Leo Messi doesn't make you get your act together, I don't know what would.
I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT MORE. because I want angstying CRon so incredibly badly all the time, but I also also also really want Messi gently slapping some sense into DV. and also of course Messi would do it because he doesn't really want DV anymore but he's too nice to dump him. so he tries to create a situation where DV has to dump him.
oh! and then he tells CRon and CRon assumes he's hung up about it and there is ANGST and then sex and then happily ever after.
(also I just want the part where DV and DS get back together now. when did my mind become so one-track? WHATEVER I DON'T CARE.)
that is my first reaction. and then has to call DS and DS comes and picks him up at the airport. and then they might actually have to talk about their feelings. oh god.
if only our collective brainstorming could magically grow into actual fic on its own. we'd be so prolific. and they'd all be so amazing.
this is my greatest wish. I am so good at brainstorming and so bad at writing. THINK OF ALL THE EPIC FICS WE WOULD PRODUCE. they would be amazing.
yes yes yes yes yes. of course.
that's a nice allowance to make for the shippers.
it's called being magnanimous in victory. XD
Messi would do it because he doesn't really want DV anymore but he's too nice to dump him. so he tries to create a situation where DV has to dump him.
oh! and then he tells CRon and CRon assumes he's hung up about it and there is ANGST and then sex and then happily ever after.
AHA perfect solution! (CRon is such a martyr, I love it.) why isn't this a fic already, seriously.
that is my first reaction. and then has to call DS and DS comes and picks him up at the airport. and then they might actually have to talk about their feelings. oh god.
and DV being DV he has trouble competently expressing his feelings and instead it comes out all backwards: "I was sleeping with Leo Messi, and it was all wrong, and then he told me I should deal with my own feelings - and - so I wanted you to know - "
and DS is just like "...you were - what?"
and it goes like:
Silva's face was almost white.
"You're really unbelievable, you know that?" Silva said. His voice was shaking. "Coming here to say you're - sleeping with someone else, and that's why I should - should - " His hands were trembling, too - with anger? with hurt? Silva didn't finish his sentence. There was nothing David could say, so he didn't.
After a minute, Silva took a short, steadying breath. "It's not like I didn't know," he said. "Or guess. But - even you - I didn't think - "
That made David speak. "How could you have - "
"I know how you treat people you're fucking," Silva bit out, so sharply David's head snapped back as if from a physical blow.
His lip stung. He realized, after a second, he'd bitten it.
Silva wasn't looking at him any more. His head had dropped, and his shoulders had fallen. One hand was clenched tightly in his hair: a sight so familiar it sent a sharp, aching throb through David's chest. He looked - defeated.
And David didn't know - couldn't -
"No, you don't," he said, before he could stop.
Silva's head whipped back up. He looked really angry now. "Don't I? After three years - three years, David - don't you dare try and - "
"You don't," David repeated, angry himself, because he didn't know how else to say it. "You don't."
He saw exactly when Silva understood, because he went even paler, and then the color rushed back to his cheeks all at once. His mouth parted, but he didn't say anything - just stared at David, eyes darker and wider than David had ever seen. David could see the denial, and the disbelief, and - smoldering underneath - the bruised, flickering hope.
David took a step forward, than another. Silva still didn't move, or look away. So David kissed him.
and then they have rough hurty but cathartic sex. and Silva is kind of possessive and bitey but also - well, like I said, there's lots of emotional catharsis for everyone.
and they can talk more afterwards, since that's not really sufficient discussion. but that's the important part. XD
this is exactly how I feel.
MY FACE WHEN I SAW YOU HAD WRITTEN SOME. it was grinning a lot.
oh my god.
His voice was shaking. "Coming here to say you're - sleeping with someone else, and that's why I should - should - " His hands were trembling, too - with anger? with hurt? Silva didn't finish his sentence. There was nothing David could say, so he didn't.
THIS THIS THIS. Silva's body language. the angst. DV's silence. oh god so good. and the fact that Silva' right, in a way, that David is that much of a douche. but also that he isn't. my point being this is all my characterization kinks in one place and it is amazing.
"It's not like I didn't know," he said. "Or guess. But - even you - I didn't think - "
so my hobby is trying to think of the saddest possible ways to finish these sentences. oh Silva, honey. D: D: D: so much pain.
That made David speak. "How could you have - "
DAVID YOU IDIOT. how could he have known? don't be a dick. (this advice, probably too late.)
"I know how you treat people you're fucking," Silva bit out, so sharply David's head snapped back as if from a physical blow.
MY HEART MY HEART. oh my god, DS. this is amazing. I love how violent his anger gets suddenly because DV basically just broke his heart again and ugh. how DV reacts, too, to that is amazing. !!!!!!!
His head had dropped, and his shoulders had fallen. One hand was clenched tightly in his hair: a sight so familiar it sent a sharp, aching throb through David's chest. He looked - defeated.
And David didn't know - couldn't -
I am quoting every line because YOU ARE KILLING ME WITH EVERY LINE HERE OK. god, this. more DS pain. more DV helpless to stop what he caused. more of me doing this :D :D :D :D
He looked really angry now. "Don't I? After three years - three years, David - don't you dare try and - "
"You don't," David repeated, angry himself, because he didn't know how else to say it. "You don't."
I love the degree of intimacy implied here. not just intimacy but their whole past - what both of them think of their whole past - and you've managed to imply it all in just a few sentences. in some ways this is better than a 50k epic because you can fill in everything yourself. not that I don't want a 50k epic about DV/DS. (ot: this is something I always felt I should write, but know I am not capable of.)
His mouth parted, but he didn't say anything - just stared at David, eyes darker and wider than David had ever seen. David could see the denial, and the disbelief, and - smoldering underneath - the bruised, flickering hope.
my heart. that's all.
David took a step forward, than another. Silva still didn't move, or look away. So David kissed him
and then they have rough hurty but cathartic sex. and Silva is kind of possessive and bitey but also - well, like I said, there's lots of emotional catharsis for everyone.
and they can talk more afterwards, since that's not really sufficient discussion. but that's the important part.
oh my god I love you. and I need to go to bed, which prevents me from doing my part for the team but basically YES WHY IS THIS NOT WRITTEN ALREADY and also I LOVE YOU.
and ok fine just a little bit:
Silva makes coffee quietly that morning. David sits at the breakfast table, looking at a newspaper he can't read.
"We should talk," Silva says, giving him a cup of coffee. "Since that's what you came all this way to do." He sits down opposite David.
David keeps his face down. He knows what he needs to say, should say, but it's like there's a wall between those words and what comes out of his mouth.
"What's there to talk about?" he asks. Silva gives him a look, steel-edged.
"You tell me," he says.
not that I don't want a 50k epic about DV/DS. (ot: this is something I always felt I should write, but know I am not capable of.)
you know I would be your slave pretty much forever, right? I mean. I understand it's an undertaking. but if anyone in this whole fandom were qualified... (how about, like, 20k?)
and ok fine just a little bit:
:D the lure is impossible to resist.
David sits at the breakfast table, looking at a newspaper he can't read.
I love this detail. hee.
He knows what he needs to say, should say, but it's like there's a wall between those words and what comes out of his mouth.
"What's there to talk about?" he asks.
oh, David. I want to thwack him and laugh at him at the same time.
Silva gives him a look, steel-edged.
"You tell me," he says.
I love DS so much. so much. almost as much as I love you.
exactly! that's why comment fic is clearly what I'm meant to write.
you know I would be your slave pretty much forever, right? I mean. I understand it's an undertaking. but if anyone in this whole fandom were qualified... (how about, like, 20k?)
ahahaa, we'll I will honestly try one day! probably over the summer, when I have free time.
I love DS so much. so much. almost as much as I love you
why thank you. that is a high compliment. :)
:D :D :D :D :D
- which naturally brought to mind the DV/Cris confrontation from this thread. and then I laughed a lot.
I literally have no words, only inappropriately loud laughter, considering I'm in the library right now.
Dani Alves also adds a certain je ne se quoi to the whole affair.
(he does, you're so right.)
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