May 30, 2006 14:27
i was definitely not kidding when i decided that everyone/thing is getting weirder by the second.
this weekend kind of sucked for me. i felt bad because i had a bunch of people over my mom's house on sunday and then didn't hang out with anyone the whole time. i couldn't drink because i felt like shit and i ended up having to go home to go to sleep because i was throwing up and stuff. it was a shame.
yesterday i tried to sleep all day because i felt like shit and couldn't eat. it didn't work so i ended up laying in bed for a couple of hours and then going to arby's with hocko and mike. after that we watched a bunch of the office. the british one. went to applebees where we had the worst waitress in the world, whom i tipped anyway because i felt bad. played clue AND life, hocko won both. came home and went straight to bed because it was like 4 by then.
my life is boring.
today is an exciting trip to best buy for some wacky anime nonsense hocko collects.
i really wish it wasn't 95 degrees out.