Mar 02, 2011 11:31
The Sickness has abated. Mostly. A wee bit of stuffiness is left. I went to the doctor this morning, yes there is something wrong with my chest wall, nothing with the lung underneath, but nothing to do other than wait. I am just so thrilled.
At last night's Council, Ming announced he and Elina will not continue for another term as B&B. They will be stepping down by Septemberish. The next little while will be interesting in Seagirt. I am also looking forward to watching the polling process intead of being in it. Wonder if I will need popcorn?
I get tomorrow off work, working everyday next week. Boss says we need to start justifying our hours more. He is planning to take the following Thurday off instead of me. But I think this means I will be losing hours in the long run. Do I start looking for other work? SHould I get my butt in gear to start sewing on the side? I am not sure I am in the right head space for either right now.
Going to Tir Righ Investiture on the weekend. Maybe I should make food since there is no dayfood or feast for the event and I have an extra day off now. P is fencing in the Rapier Championship. Lists open at 10:00, I assume for inspections, because then there is court, court and more court. Tournament is currently scheduled for 4:00. I think it is going to be a long day.
P got a copy of a Heralds manual last night. We both found it funny that it mentions that you are encouraged to ad lib and "do your thing" (think air quotes, not an actual quote) but court here is awfully formulaic and standardized oaths and all. P is court herald for Daffodil. So I wonder if he will ad lib or stick to the script. I just hope he doesn't "vivant", because then I will. :)
The rain last night got rid of all the snow here. Now it feels like spring to me.
health (or lack thereof),