Public Post 31/31: This is the end

Oct 31, 2010 23:34

I've been typing (literally) away the past two days on a state grant. I didn't realize that I had to submit it to the district until last Friday. They need it by tomorrow Monday to review and to get the authorizing signatures. I hope they proof-read, edit, and revise if necessary. My work computer has some kind of funky bug and it kept crapping out on me as I was shuffling papers, notes, and electronically cutting and pasting to the electronic application form.

Mr. Nagylany leaves for Greece tomorrow. I guess that at some point I agreed to drive him to the airport, along with a colleague. I guess that at some point I missed that it would require us to leave the house at 6:00 a.m. which means that I will be hauling my ass out of bed in a little less than 5 hours. And it's a full, full work day tomorrow. Thanks, dear.

We only had four Trick-or-Treaters show up at the door. One of them was our (adult) neighbor (who has no kids). Mr. Nagylany let him choose between the stale mini Trix bars (um, yes, that was probably the reason why they were 75% off) and a mini bottle of whiskey. Guess what he put into his plastic jack-o-lantern?

Despite my complaints about the stale candy bars, it hasn't kept me from chowing down of no less than four of them since starting this entry.

And...this is my last public entry for a while, so if you happenstanced on my journal during October and would like to be added to my reader's list, please comment!

weeekeeend, da job, mr. nagylany, doggone beat, sh*t that annoys me

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