SenBasa Icons: the first are always made with pure love~
Jul 27, 2009 22:03
yup. my lj is almost empty, but i'm fine with that. i never made entries XD, here, at least. and, sorry for my simply-not-so-good-english.
i think the title is very explicative. ^^
and, i dont know how to put icons on those nice boxes so, here's the link to photobucket. icons here! most of them are sasuke's icons...cuz i adore him and...well i also made a something--like-animation-lol with Date as my experimental subject... oh...a lot of frames. :D here~ or ;D here!
thanks to datemasamune73 for the inspiration. "[edited quote ^__^]... j/k" Until a few days ago, i didn't know what "j/k" means. lol