Jul 17, 2005 19:49
Thursday: Mel was nice and came to York to pick me up. Got to PSU around 8:30. Went to Pita Pit for dinner, walked around town again (always good to do), hung out on the porch and drank a little. Mike arrived later, saw scott walking on the street so talked to him for a bit, went to his apartment and hung out with his friends and any, hung out more and went to bed
Friday: Woke up, got ready, walked around town (doing the arts fes thing which was awesome), hung out on the porch and eat dinner, Julie made Mai Thai's which made Mel amd her drunk off their aces. Didn't feel like drinking so just watched everyone get completely drunk which was hilarious. Ran into Jackie, Leigh-Ann, and Jen on the street which is awesome. Shulze does kick major ass! Talked to them for a bit then Robert, Jess, Hogan, and Brian (Jess bro) arrived. Loved to see Robert again and talk to him. Hogan and Brian were completely shitfaced which was hilarious. Mike didn't like Hogan much which made it even better. Drama with the beds but ended up in Julie's after we asked her if we could. She was passed out face down so she just made a loud ass groan so we took it as a yes. Mel was puking in the 2nd floor bathroom which was funny as heck. I left for 5 minutes and she goes and pukes on the floor. That's okay, the water poured on her head made up for it! hahaha...love that girl!
Saturday: Woke up feeling gross, showered then eat lunch at subway. Mel and I of course shared the chicken bacon ranch with a drink...hehehe...like old times. Then we just chilled at Mud and watched the Yankees beat the Red Sox which always makes me smile. Jake came up and hung out with Mel for a little while Mel and I started drinking a little. Got my favorite bitch drink, twisted tea, bc i love iced tea like whooooa!!! Started to rain which was hilarious because mel was wearing a white shirt. With a little coaxing she managed to get completely soaked. Julie had a few beers and joined in on the fun. I gave in after a while and got completely soaked when aaron poured a pitcher of water on me. Hilarious though. Got Mike wet too which was fun for me...haha. Robert and friends showed up again followed by petey pab!!! I love that kid!!! No dancing though...damn it. Drama with the rooms started up again...but ended in grahams room. Good night though :)
Sunday: woke up and went to arts fes before heading home in the yellow bug (property of mel) Overall it was an awesome weekend. Got to see a lot of people and it made me excited to go back to psu in the fall. Can't wait, but i will miss my family of course..haha. Football games are coming toooooooo. You know what that means...ROARRRRRRRR!!!
Leaving for Boston with Mike on Thursday, should be fun.