Day 1371: Fourteen Weeks and counting

Nov 19, 2018 21:51

The Good: had a holiday on Monday last week, so I got a day off! Went to see Bohemian Rhapsody with a couple of friends (one of whom is also a state employee and also had the day off) so we had a grand time, had food after, and it was generally good times.

Had my last spinning class, and oh man, I dig it a lot. No lies, I am probably too lazy to wash and card wool, I'm fine with spinning from roving, but I really like it. Spinning wheels are soothing. Also with some practice I may, indeed, be able to make the chiengora my husband so desperately wants. Now I just need a spinning wheel...and a good mitten pattern.

I got to see Neil Gaiman live! My friends and I bought tickets ages ago, and then suddenly it was here! I'd never seen him live before, so I didn't know what to expect, but it really was a wonderful event. Two of us had dinner together (my other poor friend was driving home from her grandfather's funeral) and then the three of us watched the show, and then my other friend and I headed home together (and talked K-pop all the while).

I really need to read Neil's stuff more. I'm thinking maybe a Neil short story between every project I finish just to reset my brain. Neil and Ray Bradbury and some other writers whose short stories I like, like Brandon Sanderson. I feel like I write better after I read something by a good writer.

I binged on fanfic a bunch this weekend, which was nice. Haven't done that in a while. Most days I barely have the energy to write, let alone read, but reading is important for writers, and I should do it more. For reals.

Baby Seedling is doing well! No lies, I fret a little bit every time I cannot feel her moving, but I am always relieved when I can feel her moving, and when she decides to get up and go, she goes.

The Bad:

The migraines are back. For the first trimester I had none, so...yay! The nausea and morning sickness is down, so I figured I was golden, but the migraines are back. I had one most of Friday and a good chunk of Saturday, and most of Sunday, and also today, though luckily I could cut out of bed early, and also the dogs are willing to cuddle gently with me while I'm lying alone in the dark.

Cody continues to fret over his job. He's been offered two positions at the company and isn't sure which to take, as he likes both teams and is pretty much equally qualified for both. So we drove around A LOT while we hashed out the problem, making lists of pros and cons and trying to decide. (No doubt driving windy back country roads contributed to the onset of migraines).

Court last week was insane because we had Monday off, so I was in court literally every working day last week. I was supposed to have all of one hearing on Thursday, but then one of my coworkers had a family emergency, so I ended up covering for him. Which was good, in a way, because one case used to be mine, and I had inside info on another.

This week is Thanksgiving, which means driving south to my parents' house and getting tasty food and being warm.


Fitness...what's that again?

Spirituality. Not great. Needs improvement. Migraines on the weekends not helping.

Writing. Pretty good when migraines don't happen.

Work. I continue to have senioritis and not study great, but that's okay. Pretty sure I can catch up.

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