Final Marathon was Thursday night. It's the party that ends all theatre parties. The year is done. I'm done with freshman year. I've had a blast!
The weather is Syracuse is amazing right now. It's the perfect way to leave this place.
I'm coming home on Thursday.
I can't wait, but I'm really going to miss everyone here...a lot! I'll miss my Golden Girls, my boyfriend, my bigs, my Core, my BB lunch bunch, my seniors, apartment 604, my floormates, practice rooms, singing in the shower with my friends in the shower, and yes, I'll even miss my dorm room.
Here are some pictures from the last theatre party of this year. It was a whole day event of seniors giving speeches, showing videos, handing out awards, and dancing in a hazy mist of drunken love.
Ben and Danny making a Theo sandwich
Christian and me
we're so "thug"
my three best friends in college: Jess, Lulu, and Christian
Theo on the left (I'm living with him next year) and Christian laughing her ass off
captured by flashing lights at the party with bruce by my side.