My laptop's hard drive died, and died completely. I lost some work (but most was uploaded to the various websites, so not really lost), a bit of music (but I've been syncing that pretty regularly), about 6 months in chat logs and actually a LOT of email (but not all). I'm not happy, but I'm living.
These kinds of things happen at just the right time. I had a meeting scheduled for 1 hour after my hard drive died. I jumped in my car, drove to the local computer store, bought a new drive and a copy of ubuntu 7.10 (a kind of linux), installed the drive at the store and installed the OS while driving to the meeting with one hand on the wheel and the other hand on the mouse. Don't ask how I shifted. The meeting went great :DDD
Valentines Day was delayed due to massive school/work on Thursday for both of us. We ended up scarfing down some taco bell while madly typing. Friday we went out for a proper dinner though with MASSIVE amounts of sushi.
School is going ok so far. All As on tests and I haven't missed a day *phew*.
I *still* haven't managed to start any of this season's dramas.... What's worth watching guys?