"I'm on a boat and I'm going fast and~~~~"

Oct 29, 2010 21:24

Because crew has left me with a very inflated of ego of "DAMN, I'm one bad-ass mofo for doing all these ridiculous crew things," I leave you with this quote I've been meaning to share (but is too long to spam the FB friends, haha).

"Marathon runners talk about hitting 'the wall' at the twenty-third mile of the race. What rowers confront isn't a wall; it's a hole - an abyss of pain, which opens up in the second minute of the race. Large needles are being driven into your thigh muscles, while your forearms seem to be splitting. Then the pain becomes confused and disorganized, not like the windedness of the runner or the leg burn of the biker but an all-over, savage unpleasantness. As you pass the five-hundred-meter mark, with three-quarters of the race still to row, you realize with dread that you are not going to make it to the finish, but at the same time the idea of letting your teammates down by not rowing your hardest is unthinkable...Therefore, you are going to die. Welcome to this life." -- Ashleigh Teitel

Except you don't die, you just think you are. :D

Will probably be a post on family (fooooood), tomorrow's 5k regatta (NNNNGH), and Star Driver (Little Prince parallels? lol, I am that geeky) on Sunday-ish.

*eats garlic bread*

*goes to sleep early!*

Subject line from the ridiculous I'm On a Boat by the Lonely Island.


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