midterm, Cal protests, writing

Mar 05, 2010 00:16

First day back at crew.  Didn't row due to fog.  Had to run and do some ab stuff instead.  Meh.

Amer Lit midterm wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it'd be.  We'll see if I still say that when I get my results back.  On the other hand, the study guide for Intro to Women's Studies leaves me feeling like my grade is going to drop hella.  Short answer, one page response and then 3 page response.  If she took out one of the responses I'd be 100% sure I could finish the test in time.  I'm sure I can do everything in the allotted time, but it sounds like a close shave considering the SATs give you 30min for a page essay and AP testing gives you ~40 min per essay (although it's really ~20 for reading and ~20min for writing).  Alas, this is college so in theory I suppose it should be harder.  Urgh.  At least the Blue (technically Green) Books are wide ruled and not college ruled.

After my midterm I headed to City Hall for the rally that was going on.  Would've marched as well from Berkeley, but midterm was more important.  I know I should've researched more on their points before attending, but eh.  (Particularly on charter schools, since I support them, but the founding motives of the charter schools I know of are different than the ones the protests is speaking of)  Crowd had a good turn out, and I heard the march had a great turn out.  We came mid way through so we only heard a few speakers.  I guess what stood out to me was the delegation from Japan.  Yeah, from Japan.  I'm not sure if the Japanese uni students came specifically for this rally, but if they did, DAMN those plane tickets must've cost them a pretty penny.  It hadn't occurred to me to consider that other countries would also be fighting for control of their schools.  Their speech was bilingual (Japanese and English), and although their English was a bit hard to understand, we all got the gist.  LOL though, I kinda expected a rally like the on from the 70s with errr, not so peaceful protests; too many videos of those protests I suppose.  I'm fairly certain none of my friends who go to Cal were there. XD

Also, brushing up on Greek mythology for my beginning fiction workshop.  The task is to retell a fairy tale, myth, or cannonical story (pretty much a well recognized story).  We read a collection of retellings of the Odyssey as well as a movie to help loosen us up and broaden our ideas of retelling.  Those stories were full of sex worthy of last semester's Asian Lit class.  Didn't feel paricularly liberated in my ability to retell though.  Part of it is because there's so many darn good writers in my class, and also I have a hard time balancing research/plotting story out with actually writing it.  I tend to do one and fail at the other.  So far we're doing ok.  I have 5 pages of brief scenes/snippets.  I'm fairly certain I'll be doing the Rape of Persephone.  Albeit without rape.  Because I hate stories where the chick gets raped and falls in True Love with her rapist.  Luckily it seems the original tale had no mention of rape, yippee.

Also, Lady Gaga's MV for Telephone is coming out this Monday.  Heck yes.

crew, school: english, music, college, politics, writing, lady gaga

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