books <3

May 30, 2008 21:26

So, I actually read a book.  After testing in class was done, I stopped staying up past midnight.  But after a week of staying clean and sleeping more, I got my hands on The High King's Tomb by Kristen Britain and stayed up til 3AM to finish it (which coincidentally was right after my Iron Man entry).  I've been waiting for the book because I desperately wanted to know how the doomed love was going to work out.  It's strange; I have Harry Potter and DH, Eclipse, and The Sweet Far Thing.  Haven't read any of them yet.  I can't seem to muster the energy to get through all the plot set-up.  But for some reason, Britain's novel didn't pose that problem for me.

Anyway, doomed love: not satisfied.  Thus, I will read the next book whenever it comes out.  Oh, and the guy who did the cover art did the cover art for the Obernewtyn Chronicles (US edition).  And Britain better break the UST (ok, maybe UST is an overexaggeration considering the couple in question interact very little), I think I'll tear my hair out if I go through another 700 pages of not getting my resolution.  Oh, and strangely enough, there is rather little angst in the said 700 pages.  It would've been ridiculously easy to have Karigan angst a lot, but she didn't.

And Karigan's power is pretty darn awesome, even if she doesn't remember it the day after.  And the bit with The Wall Speaks, seriously creeped me out big time.

Seen the cover for the new Anita Blake book.  I. Am. Not. Pleased.  I thought it was some demented bird until five minutes ago when I realized they're scissors.  The cover art sucks.  Majorly.  What happenned to the slick, photoshop magic stuff?  What are the publishers thinking making it look like Coraline (Neil Gaiman) artwork???  There is no way they can distance themselves from Anita Blake being associated with sex.

Lastly, saw the cover art for Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.  I don't like it.  Conceptually it's real nice, but the white queen looks completely computerized which greatly peeves me.  It's a real step down from the bold reds in the last two books; yes I know there's a red pawn, but it doesn't make me go "oooh, me wants book if only for preeeeety cover art."  Also, the symbolism really isn't all that original.

Then agian, that's probably because I read Vampire Knight, in which the chess game is an extremely blatant form of symbolism.  Stephenie Meyer has not been cultivating a crazy symbolic chess game in her novels; therefore VK wins the OMFG-awesomeness from me.

That's all.

And I volunteered to volunteer at the library this summer.  It's the last push for volunteer hours for me; so I'm volunteering 7 hours a week, 7 hours straight on Saturday from opening to closing.  And at the end I'll have 56 hours.  RARRR.  Because when I start volunteering at elementary schools again, it'll be too late for them to be applicable to me.

And finally a to-do list:

Miyazaki essay
Dramatic moments in Chem
LIttle Prince questions
Little Prince livret
Truman trial verdict
History terms list
Math review for final 
Core team application
Memorize 20 core team facts

cover art, books, book: twilight, homework, book: green rider, book: anita blake

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