Today is Tuesday

Apr 22, 2008 21:46

I notice I tend to write whenever I volunteer at my elementary school.  Probably because Moo Moo is funny.  Found out one of my classmates is working there (like get paid working).  Volunteered yesterday, came home and did absolutely nothing!  Gwahahaha.  By the time I was ready to do homework, it was 8, and I didn't want to.

So I went and read fanfiction. (cringes)  yes, I have yet to overcome my current addiction to fandom.  I'm currently delving into ItaSaku (Itachi/Sakura) from Naruto.  I'm not a big fan of canon-ish stuff; I tend to like non-massacre AU.  And I am now convinced of pawsbells writing abilities; I wasn't particularly impressed with her GaaSa stuff, but her ItaSaku stuff was fun.  X)

I've also been on AIM with my cousin.  He keeps distracting me from my homework.  Lol.  But he's funny to talk to.

Been listening to Vienna Teng's Waking Hour album and the Princess Mononoke OST a lot lately.

Finished my Chem homework; naming hydrocarbons.  It's actully not too bad when I have the textbook to reference.  But we're testing on it tomorrow, and I'm no good without my book.  Oh, well.

I'm officially playing bass clarinet next year in band!  Rumor has it, we're going to head to Las Vegas...

Don't know what else to say.  Hmmm, I ate some Pocky today.  And I really need to read a novel of substance; I've never really been into novels like Water for Elephants or A Thousand Splendid Suns.  The summaries don't really intrigue me.  I tend to like fantasy or historical fiction and everything should have just a dash of romance ;).  If I wanted real life, well I got the news stations.  Ick, that came off as uncouth.  Nvm.  I think the only non-fantasy/whimsical novels I have on my bookshelf are The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova (sp), The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan (the woman is a freakin genius), and The Shadow of the Wind by some Spanish author I can't remember.

Also, I must somehow get my hands on Isobele Carmody's The Stone Key.  The woman's only been saying "It's coming next year" for what? The last five years???  Sadly the penultimate novel of the series is not avalable in the US...

And now, I should get to my history homework.  Watergate here I come!

Hmm, I should find happier icons.

books, book: obernewtyn chronicles, aim, school: science, anime: naruto, school: history, vienna teng, bass clarinet, ship: itachi/sakura, school: band, homework, music, random, family, reading fanfiction

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