(no subject)

Mar 03, 2008 23:49

Goodness I've been blogging/meme-ing a lot between here and DA.

Hmmm, today. So, I've been volunteering at the local elementary school since last school year. I clearly remember one of the kids as a "trouble maker." Well, I see him today and it's a night and day difference. Bouncing off the walls to calm and collected. I was wondering what the heck his parents could've done to him to make him change so radically. Eventually the boy says something about headaches and I reply dryly that I wouldn't believe him. (And based on last year there's no way I would've.) But then the guy who works there tells me the kid has ADHD and the medication leaves the boy w/ nasty headaches. The guy goes on to say he used to take it and it felt like a drill going through his head. Ouch.

So I had an "oh" moment where a lot of things made sense and then I had an "oh shit I was mean to a kid" moment. Needless to say, I didn't apologize (stupid stupid stupid) because I was too busy feeling guilty.

Changing topics. What exactly is heat rash? The worker and I were talking about whether one of the girls had heat rash or not. I lost the argument once it was apparent he had more kid experience than I did. T.T; I don't hate him for pointing it out to me, but I hate having my own fallacies pointed out, even if it is w/ kids (I'm an only child).

There was a band rehearsal tonight and I got the director's blessings to switch over to bass clarinet. YES!!! But the bassoon player was not there so I had all the solos in Incantation and Dance. ...it was... interesting. I've only been playing bass for about a week (and it's a school instrument, so it's not that great). I'm still trying to work out all the quirks and how my mouth needs to be set. So I squeaked a bit. Also, I learned that 3 reeds are way too stiff for me. I had spit dripping off my mouthpiece (EW!) before I was able to properly play the thing.

But it was fun regardless. Incantation has some cool parts. :D The bassoons and the other bass clarinet player (who's not in the upcoming performance :'( ) came up w/ an awesome "remix." Lol. I love my friends.

I need to get back to doing my chemistry homework (glares). The pre-lab work is harder than the textbook assignment.

Oh look, there's nothing fandom related here... wow.

school, volunteer work, friends, life, bass clarinet, school: band, homework, music, clarinet

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