belated summer movie post + some TV

Dec 18, 2013 15:14

A brief summary, since quite a bit of time has elapsed. :p

20 Feet From Stardom
  • A documentary about back-up singers and how some have or have not chosen to pursue solo careers that I wholeheartedly recommend.
  • Fans of Motown will definitely like this, there's quite a bit of time dedicated to Darlene Love.  (Here is a seasonally appropriate song by her)
  • If you like stuff about singers, this is also a must-see.  Great music, great musicians, and damn can they all sing.
  • I am now a Lisa Fischer fan, yes.  Also, I have rediscovered Merry Clayton on Gimme Shelter.  Most people will recognize Judith Hill from the Voice US.
The East
  • I'm a big Brit Marling fan, so this was a gotta-see for me.  I Sound of my Voice is my fave, but this isn't bad either.
  • The irony of a big movie company backing a film about corporate greed polluting the environment
  • The odd absence of race in the movie, because I believe this pollution disproportionally impacts POC?
  • Yay Ellen Page.
  • What I found most interesting about this was the way consent is asked for throughout the film.  It's a very deliberate and kinda sexy.  Yet oddly enough the only sex scene in the movie has no conversation involved, let alone consent.  That felt pretty odd to me.
  • Yay for finding third options out of seemingly impossible situations.  That said, I find the resolution a little too easy?
Now You See Me
  • Easily my favorite movie of the summer.  Slick, fun, assemble-the-crew kinda movie.
  • Jesse Eisenberg seems to be typecast as an asshole.
  • I like magicians and I like movies where crews get assembled.  10/10 recommend.
Cairo Time
  • SO TEMPTED to write fic for this. SO TEMPTED.
  • All my frustrations about shipping.
  • I did find some stuff odd with the Lady being a diplomat's wife and yet so culturally inept at times.  Perhaps the director's commentary would help?
  • It's a very understated film, but I think that's what's so nice about it.
Queen to Play
  • Another movie where a married woman discovers life and love through another man, much like Cairo Time. And much like Cairo Time my frustrated shipping feels.
The Bling Ring
  • Lulz at the running heel gag
  • Yay WOC, boo she's kinda evil?
  • Overall "Meh" for the film
Man of Steel
  • I love the nostalgic childhood scenes, but didn't care for the rest of it.
  • I guess the eyecandy was nice though. :P
  • I guess I can now say I'm not a Man of Steel fan, and GDI all I want is Gina Torres and Wonder Woman OK?!
Pillars of the Earth
  • Too lazy to read the book, so I watched the mini-series.
  • I liked the Self-Made Wool Queen Lady, she was cool.  Not sure how I feel about the exotic women with an accent living in the forest and accused of witchcraft.
  • The bickering between the leading ladies got old quick
  • A little peeved the movie has to have this white guy as a love interest for both women, for whom Mexico essentially exists as a playground. Boo.
  • Clearly this film needs more femmeslash.
Man From Earth
  • Will appeal to fans of Rod Sterling's The Twilight Zone, as it's by one of its script-writers.
  • One of the things I like about TWZ is that the endings can be ambiguous at times.  This ending feels a little forced in the sense it's very tidy in its resolution, which I wasn't too keen on.
  • (I am not a fan of the creepy TWZ episodes, so if that stuff doesn't appeal to you, you should be ok with this one)
Warm Bodies
  • I didn't think it was possible to make a romcom movie about zombies but it works.
  • Did not pick up on the Romeo and Juliet references until the end. orz
  • IIRC one of the side characters is whitewashed? So boo.
  • I remember thinking about some sort of social commentary as I was watching it, but don't remember anymore.
A Man Named Pearl
  • Documentary about a self-taught topiary guy.  Super impressive, and has a great jazz soundtrack.
Raise Your Voice
  • Documentary about a black opera singer, and her massively successful career -- which started in college when she was boycotted for being cast in the lead role.  Definitely interesting, in terms of how her career crosses with the civil rights movement, but I wouldn't watch it again.
Paris is Burning
  • It's a classic documentary, 'nuff said.  I do recommend it, if only for the dancing.  But the dancing isn't the only reason you should watch it.
Love Songs
  • A French musical about finding love again.  Didn't really like it.
Angels of Sex
  • A bit long, but I did enjoy it as one of the very few movies I've ever seen with an ot3 ending.
Kiss Me
  • I was told it was a more sexy version of Imagine Me and You, which I loved.  And this description is true.  But it's also very long.
  • Bonus points for bisexual depiction and homophobia getting called out.
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
  • Social justice gold mine
  • BAHAHAHA all the Garak/Bashir subtext
  • Curse you Netflix for only having episode 13 onward of S3.
White Collar
  • Save El, all of the women have been of a particular body type.  I'm starting to wonder if the show is actually consistent in what type of women Neal pursues?  I am a fan of this theory because of OT3 reasons, lol.
  • Sticking to my guns in terms of personal/work boundary being mired, and the tension is borne by El.  Who, contrary to how fic portrays her, is a fan of the boundary.  Although I don't think she'd mind if Neal became personal?  But right now Peter has him as a work person and not a personal friend, IDK.

Originally posted on DW with

tv: star trek deep space 9, movie, writer: brit marling, tv: white collar

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